Time recording: In-house development is reaching its limits
Since software development is one of the company's core competencies, it was obvious for adorsys to also write an appropriate software solution internally for time recording. With a continuously growing volume of projects, however, this in-house development reached its limits over time. “In addition, at some point, we simply didn't have the time to further develop the solution so that it could meet the ever more diverse requirements on both the user and project controlling side,” recalls Katrin Tschiersch, who as Chief Financial Officer (CFO) at adorsys is responsible for finances and contracts. “For this reason, we then began to search externally for an appropriate software solution for time recording. ”
“As we know from feedback from our project team, the solution is very user-friendly and intuitive to use. ”
As a result of the research, those responsible came across the ZEP solution from provantis IT Solutions. ZEP stands for time recording for projects. The web-based solution has been on the market since 2000 and was developed specifically for project-oriented companies as a complete solution for the areas of time recording and reporting, travel expenses, project management and controlling, and invoicing.
Katrin Tschiersch explains: “We currently use ZEP exclusively for time recording and vacation and absenteeism management. All data entered with ZEP is then transferred to our billing solution and financial accounting via CSV import and further processed there. ”
Recording project times independent of time, location and device
Thanks to a browser-based user interface, ZEP enables project times to be recorded regardless of time, location and device. ADORSYS project staff are therefore able to record their project times anytime and anywhere. In addition to the intuitive and user-friendly web interface, mobile apps for all common operating systems (Android, iOS) are also available for input.
“Most of our employees work on site at the customer's site. It is therefore essential for them to be able to record their times on site or on the go and not have to wait until they are back in the office at their workplace next time,” explains Katrin Tschiersch. 130 adorsys employees currently use ZEP every day to record their project times.
As soon as a time booking is entered in ZEP, it is included in various evaluations and reports (time sheets, target/actual comparisons). Thanks to the continuous live display of booked actual times, various functions such as an overbooking stop, blocking of billed times, an approval mechanism for booked times, monthly financial statements and more, ZEP allows projects to be monitored quickly and efficiently and plan deviations can be identified at an early stage.
Katrin Tschiersch confirms: “In principle, it doesn't really matter to me in controlling when, where and how an employee records their project times. The only important thing is that the times are available promptly on a central platform such as ZEP and can be further processed from there. The target/actual comparisons provided by the system are an important tool for our project controlling. ”
adorsys also uses ZEP's vacation and absenteeism management. Using an appropriate calendar, every employee can apply for vacation quickly and clearly and, if necessary, have it approved by the supervisor. The entire application and approval process is carried out via the software. In addition, ZEP makes it possible to record and document absences in a wide variety of categories, such as illness, maternity leave or parental leave, but also flexitime (e.g. to compensate for time off).
Cloud vs. On Premise: A question of cost
ZEP is offered both on premise and in cloud computing operations. With the former, the ZEP customer buys a license and installs the solution on their own IT systems. He receives support from appropriate installation manuals. As an option, he can also sign a maintenance contract and then receive technical support during the operating phase as well as the latest updates to the software solution that are regularly available.
If the customer opts for cloud operation, they do not have to install anything, but have access to the cloud-based software variant from ZEP, which is operated in an ISO 27001-certified high-performance data center in Germany. The basis for use is an online user contract that can be cancelled at any time at the end of the month and an order processing contract in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Billing is based on usage per user and month.
adorsys currently uses ZEP in an on-premise model. Katrin Tschiersch explains: “Thanks to on-premise operation, we ourselves are the 'masters' of the application and data. However, we are currently carrying out a cost comparison between the costs of on-premise operation and operation in the ZEP cloud. Should it turn out that cloud use is more attractive for us in terms of price, we can very well imagine switching to the cloud. ”
ZEP as time recording for project-oriented companies “designed by the user”
With this statement, Katrin Tschiersch draws a final conclusion from previous ZEP usage. She confirms: “As we know from feedback from our project team, the solution is very user-friendly and intuitive to use. For me in controlling, on the other hand, the advantage of using ZEP is the ability to access all project times worked promptly via a central platform, to evaluate them and to be able to transfer them to billing and financial accounting virtually at the push of a button. ”