Projektzeiterfassung für Agenturen

Mit der flexiblen Projektzeiterfassung von ZEP schaffen Sie wieder Raum für mehr Kreativität in Ihrer Agentur. Mit einem zentralen Tool und automatisierten Arbeitsprozessen behalten Sie die Überhand zwischen spontanen Kundenwünschen und drängenden Deadlines.

30 days non-binding

Time recording for agencies

Seit 20+ Jahren gehören Agenturen zum Kern unserer 1.800+ Firmenkunden und steigern mit ZEP ihre Teamleistungen!

Recording working hours on agency projects

Einfache Erfassung und Übersicht von Arbeitszeiten

Mit ZEP hält digitale Zeiterfassung Einzug in Ihren Agenturalltag – weil Projektzeit auch Geld ist:

  • Stamp mobile time recording via app or add manually
  • Automated attendance and absence management
  • Transparent customer communication thanks to detailed time sheets
  • Plan and book cross-functional teams for parallel projects
  • Scheduling & billing of freelancers together with internal colleagues
  • Project-related evaluation & final accounting at the push of a button
Test ZEP Project Time Recording free of charge

Projektmanagement für Agenturen

Workflows optimieren für mehr Fokus im Tagesgeschäft

Unser Tool gibt Agenturen die Möglichkeit das gesamte Projektmanagement auf die digitale Ebene zu heben:

  • Scan travel expense receipts digitally while travelling
  • Record and analyse project and working hours quickly and easily
  • Simple recording & allocation of billable hours to projects and customers
  • Create digital quotation templates quickly and standardised and send them in just a few minutes
  • Analyse von Zeitdaten für effiziente Ressourcenplanung
  • Automatisierte Textbausteine für eine effiziente Rechnungsstellung
Project time recording Consulting vouchers

Projektgeschäft zentral & digital in der Agentur

Software im Baukastenprinzip - Flexibel & zuverlässig​

ZEP unterstützt Agenturen bei der Automatisierung manueller Aufgaben – damit mehr Zeit für Kreativität bleibt:

  • Always keep an eye on project costs and planned budgets
  • Transparente Übersicht über personelle Kapazitäten durch Auslastungskurven
  • Präzise Kostenverrechnungen zwischen Abteilungen großer Agenturen
  • Comply with legal requirements for recording working hours
  • Integration of freelancers into the internal teams for holistic analyses
  • Store commissioned offer items as new projects in ZEP at the click of a mouse
Project time recording Content 3

Whitepaper für Agenturen

More insights in the whitepaper

Sie wollen endlich wieder mehr Zeit für Kreativität in Ihrer Agentur? In diesem Whitepaper erwarten Sie spannende Insights zu folgenden Themen:

  • Für welche Agenturen sowie Anwendungsfälle sich ZEP besonders gut eignet
  • The path to digitalised project controlling from A to Z
  • Genaue Abrechnung & effiziente Budgetplanung für erfolgreiche Kreativprojekte
  • Presentation of the ZEP add-on modules from resource planning to invoicing
  • Legally compliant time recording of working and project times
  • and much more.
ZEP is GDPR compliant
Made in Germany

Hosting and development in Germany

Flexible ZEP
Full flexibility

Can be cancelled at any time - no minimum contract period

ZEP Support
Personal support

Wishes or questions? We will help you directly!

FAQ - Projektzeiterfassung für Agenturen

ZEP is an innovative project time tracking software that allows you to record working hours, project times and travel expenses in real time. This software offers a variety of modules to optimise your work processes and increase efficiency in your agency. ZEP is based on a modular principle where you only select and pay for the modules you need.

Project time tracking is crucial for keeping control of costs and increasing efficiency in your agency. It allows you to optimise work processes and ensure that you and your team are always on time. ZEP gives you a transparent overview of your workflows and helps you replace manual tools such as Excel to save time.

Yes, with ZEP you can allocate your tracked time to different projects or clients. This allows you to track exactly how much time is spent on specific projects or customers, which is very important for billing and project management.

Yes, ZEP is flexible and can be integrated into your existing IT infrastructure. In addition to our standardised ZEP interfaces (SOAP & REST), we are also constantly connecting new partners with direct interfaces. From Hubspot & Personio to Salesforce - for data exchange with the rest of the world.

Yes, ZEP supports you in planning and managing projects from A to Z. You can record working hours, plan resources, keep an eye on budgets and even create project-related invoices. This enables comprehensive project realisation and management.

Yes, your employees can enter receipts digitally via ZEP. This simplifies & speeds up the reimbursement of expenses. These costs are recorded in real time and contribute to transparency.

Yes, ZEP can also be used with external employees such as freelancers. You can schedule external professionals for various parallel projects and carry out invoicing directly via ZEP. The software offers the option of storing quotation items as new projects and supports the integration of freelancers into your projects.

What our customers say

Über 1.800 zufriedene Kunden nutzen ZEP bereits heute. Setzen auch Sie ab sofort auf ZEP!