Software for preparing quotations


Save valuable time when preparing offers with practical templates and dispense with manual processes. Involve the experts from your team specifically in the preparation of the offer via a workflow.

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ZEP offers

All the advantages of ZEP's quotation software at a glance!

Find out how you can optimise your quotation processes with the quotation software in ZEP. With standardised quotation management and flexible templates, ZEP effectively supports the structuring of your future projects. Further advantages:

  • Uniform quotation templates for fast and standardised quotation preparation.
  • Four-eyes principle for reliable checking and approval by the project management.
  • Direct dispatch of offers by e-mail with additional attachments for seamless communication.
  • Efficient use of text modules for time-saving quotation generation.
  • Central database for effortless management and quick retrieval of offers.
  • Customisable offer items for an individual design of your offers.
  • Integration into project management for a smooth transfer of quotations into projects and processes.

Quotation preparation

The basis for future projects

With our software for preparing quotations, you can ensure a standardised quotation process and automatically create projects with processes in ZEP when an order is placed:

  • Create uniform quotations for customers or projects
  • Offer templates for the quick creation of standardised offers
  • Preparation of offers with individual offer items
  • Four-eyes principle for checking and approving offers by the project management
  • Direct sending of offers by e-mail with further attachments
  • Transfer of the quotation into a project or a process upon commissioning - for a smooth Project time tracking
  • Text modules for the simple and quick creation of offers and offer templates

More functions

Offer management

Our quotation software puts an end to the tedious search for documents and unclear responsibilities within the team:

  • Find offers quickly and easily in a central database
  • Assignment of categories and keywords to find offers more quickly
  • Overview of the offers to be processed by an employee

Offer templates

Quick and easy creation of standardised offers for specific types of projects:

  • Creation of offer templates, also with attachments such as your GTCs
  • Saving existing offers as templates
  • Creation of quotation templates with automated text modules

Instructions for use

  1. Replace offers in ZEP not Comprehensive and visualised offers customary in the industry
  2. Offers from ZEP ensure standardised project management including the Invoicing
  3. Visualised offers can be attached during dispatch

Offer positions

For the individuality of your offers

For the individuality of your offers

Various types for creating detailed quotations and templates using quotation software:

  • Expense items for work performance in hours or days
  • Flat-rate items for services at a fixed price
  • Article positions with articles from the article management
  • Grouping positions for structuring offers
  • Show or hide the calculation for each offer item


Popular add-on module

  • Own invoice templates per department
  • Invoice number range per top department
  • Various specific departmental evaluations

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Travel expense report

Popular add-on module

  • Digital and mobile document capture
  • Digital receipt viewing and further use for settlements and reimbursements

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#1 Software for Project time tracking
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ZEP simplifies the preparation of quotations with practical templates that save time and eliminate the need for manual processes. By integrating experts from your team via a workflow, quotation preparation is optimised in a targeted manner.

ZEP enables the creation of standardised quotations for customers or projects. Standardised quotations can be created quickly using quotation templates, including individual quotation items.

The dual control principle ensures that the project manager checks and approves the quotation. This allows you to send offers directly by e-mail with additional attachments.

Yes, when an order is placed, quotations are automatically transferred to projects with processes in ZEP. This creates a seamless link between the quotation and the project.

ZEP enables quick and easy quotation management through a centralised database. Categories and keywords make it easier to find offers and an overview shows the offers that need to be processed by your employees.

ZEP enables the individualisation of quotation items with various types, including expense items for labour, flat-rate items at fixed prices, article items from article management and grouping items for structuring quotations. The fade-in or fade-out function of the calculation for each quotation item ensures flexibility.