Projektzeiterfassung für Anwälte & Steuerberater

Sie möchten die tagtäglichen Abläufe in Ihrer Kanzlei digitalisieren? Von der Verwaltung Ihrer Mandanten bis hin zur automatisierten Rechnungsstellung können Sie Ihre gesamten Projektroutinen mit ZEP verwalten. So bleibt Ihnen mehr Zeit für Ihr wertvolles Tagesgeschäft.

30 days non-binding

Time recording for lawyers and tax consultants

Seit 20+ Jahren gehören Kanzleien und Steuerbüros zum Kern unserer 1.800+ Firmenkunden und steigern mit ZEP ihre Teamleistungen!

Time management at the touch of a button

Maximale Übersicht über Ihre Arbeitsabläufe

Mit ZEP hält digitale Zeiterfassung Einzug in Ihren Kanzleialltag – lassen Sie keine Minute mehr undokumentiert:

  • Smart project time recording via web and app for projects and clients
  • Automated attendance and absence management
  • Compliance mit behördlichen Vorschriften – wie das EuGH Urteil – erleichtern
  • Zeitaufwände mit verschiedenen Stunden- und Tagessätzen verknüpfen
  • Simple recording & allocation of billable hours
Test ZEP Project Time Recording free of charge

Projektcontrolling für Kanzleien

Optimise workflows for more focus in day-to-day business

ZEP gibt Steuer- und Anwaltskanzleien die Möglichkeit das gesamte Projektmanagement in einem Tool zu managen:

  • Scan travel expense receipts digitally while travelling
  • Quickly and easily create digital quotation templates and send them by email from ZEP
  • Documentation of working and project times with automatic break detection
  • Always keep an eye on project costs compared to the planned budget
  • Analyse von mandatenübergreifenden Zeitdaten für effiziente Ressourcenplanung
Project time recording Consulting vouchers

Project management from A to Z

Modular software - flexible & reliable

Folgende Workflows lassen sich für Sie direkt in ZEP zur Erfassung rund um Projektzeiten realisieren:

  • Transparent overview of personnel capacities through utilisation curves
  • Präzise Kostenverrechnungen zwischen Abteilungen großer Kanzleien
  • Store commissioned offer items as new projects in ZEP at the click of a mouse
  • Transparente Rechnungsstellung mit Anhängen und Nachweisen an Ihre Mandanten 
  • Project-related evaluation & final accounting at the push of a button
Project time recording Content 3

Whitepaper für Anwälte und Steuerberater

More insights in the whitepaper

Do you want to manage your law firm effectively? In this white paper you can expect exciting insights on the following topics:

  • Für welche Anwalts- und Steuerkanzleien sowie Anwendungsfälle sich ZEP besonders gut eignet
  • The path to digitalised project controlling from A to Z
  • Lösung für exakte Abrechnung, um Unsicherheiten bei Mandanten zu vermeiden
  • Presentation of the ZEP add-on modules from mobile document entry to automated billing
  • Standortübergreifende Zusammenarbeit in großen Kanzleien leicht gemacht
  • and much more.
ZEP is GDPR compliant
Made in Germany

Hosting and development in Germany

Flexible ZEP
Full flexibility

Can be cancelled at any time - no minimum contract period

ZEP Support
Personal support

Wishes or questions? We will help you directly!

FAQ - Project time recording in the law firm

ZEP is a labour and project time tracking software that allows you to keep control of your costs and increase your efficiency. With ZEP, you can record working hours, project times and travel expenses in real time, either via web, app or terminal. You can assign your recorded times to different projects/mandates and optimise project controlling. 

Project time tracking is crucial to accurately record working hours, bring transparency to the project process and ensure accurate billing for your clients. With ZEP, you can meet deadlines, organise your time management efficiently and reduce manual processes, which is particularly beneficial for lawyers and tax consultants.

Yes, you can allocate working time to projects or clients by assigning the recorded times in ZEP to different projects. This allows you to track exactly how much time is spent on individual mandates.

In an increasingly digitalised corporate world, we want to ensure that ZEP harmonises with the rest of your IT infrastructure. In addition to our standardised ZEP interfaces (SOAP & REST), we are therefore constantly integrating new partners with direct interfaces. From Hubspot and Personio to Salesforce for data exchange with the rest of the world.

Yes, you can plan a project from start to finish, as ZEP allows you to record working hours and project times. You can track and control workflows from planning to invoicing.

Yes, the employees of your law firm can enter travel expenses and receipts via ZEP, which makes it easier to manage and track travel expenses. This is particularly useful for keeping an eye on expenses and correctly accounting them to your clients later on.

Yes, ZEP offers department-specific analyses of times and costs, enables the assignment of a department manager as an additional user role and allows the use of different currencies depending on the department, which is particularly advantageous for locations in non-euro countries. You can also map your individual company structure in the software.

What our customers say

Over 1,800 satisfied customers are already using ZEP. You too can rely on ZEP now!