Our interfaces

In an increasingly digitalised corporate world, we want to ensure that ZEP harmonises with the rest of your IT infrastructure. In addition to our standardised ZEP interfaces, we are therefore constantly integrating new partners with direct interfaces.

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ZEP interfaces

Integrations and interfaces


ZEP interfaces

Standardised data exchange with the rest of the world

Seamless and powerful integration into your product

The SOAP and REST standards are available as ZEP interfaces. The interface enables data exchange between ZEP and other systems (ERP, CRM, HR, etc.) based on the respective protocol. The following operations are supported, among others:

  • Create, query, change and delete time bookings
  • Create, query and change projects
  • Create, query and change customers
  • Create, query and change employees


Time recording with ZEP, HR with Personio

Automatically and reliably transfer time bookings to Personio

The Personio interface enables you to connect your personnel data to ZEP. You determine in which of the two systems you maintain which data.

Special features

  • ZEP as the leading Software for recording working hours and Project time tracking in combination with Personio for your HR
  • Transfer of all ZEP time bookings to Personio including the statutory break regulations according to the Working Hours Act.
  • Synchronisation of absences between ZEP and Personio
  • Transfer of employee master data from Personio to ZEP
  • Configuring the connection with the Personio API credentials
  • Freely schedulable task for regular synchronisation
  • Automatic matching of employees in ZEP and Personio based on email addresses

DATEV & Lexware

Standardised transfer to the accounting department

Reliable data transfer to your accounting

With the additional module Export for Accounting, you can easily and error-free transfer the data of the invoices created with ZEP as well as the costs (receipts, additional expenses for meals, km-money) of your employees into your accounting solution. In addition to a general export, there are special configurations for DATEV and Lexware.

memtime logo


Higher accuracy of the recorded times 

Measure your activities fully automatically

The connection of memtime (formerly timeBro) to ZEP makes it possible to measure your digital activities in everyday work fully automatically and to use them for simplified time recording. This eliminates the need to think about what was done and when.

Special features

  • Simple linking of the account creation
  • Import of ZEP projects to memtime
  • memtime measures all activities on the end device fully automatically
  • Capture all times in files, emails, browser & calendar
  • Perfect reminder for project time tracking
  • Export all memtime time bookings and comments with one click
Hubspot logo


Synchronisation of customer and project data

For a process-optimised exchange with HubSpot

With the HubSpot interface, you can turn company profiles from your HubSpot account into customers in your ZEP. The contact persons are also transferred to ZEP in a standardised way.

For your deals in HubSpot, you can determine a phase in which the deals are to be synchronised to projects in ZEP.

Special features

  • Configuring the connection to your existing HubSpot
  • Automatic transfer of HubSpot data to ZEP
  • HubSpot as the leading system for your customer data
  • Simplify workflow for creating new projects
Salesforce.com logo


Exchange of customer data to avoid duplicate maintenance

For central customer management in Salesforce

The Salesforce interface enables the connection of ZEP and supports the automated transfer of customers and contacts from Salesforce to ZEP.

As Salesforce can be flexibly adapted to the needs of each company, we offer to illuminate the interface according to your requirements and make adjustments.

Special features

  • Configure the connection to your existing Salesforce
  • Transfer of Salesforce information at the push of a button
  • Salesforce as the leading system for your customer data
  • Synchronised data are locked for editing in ZEP
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The ZEP Connector from a customer for customers

Project time tracking in ZEP, central accounting in SAP

With the ZEP Connector for SAP developed by STAR COOPERATION, you can integrate ZEP into your SAP ECC® environment. This not only reduces your effort when invoicing projects, but also makes daily reporting possible. It also eliminates the error-prone and time-consuming duplicate data maintenance in two systems.

Excel export

Standardised exports to Microsoft Excel

Integrated in ZEP as standard

Analyses in ZEP are available as exports in XLS and CSV file format as standard. Many of these exports can be sent automatically by e-mail at regular intervals 

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ZEP offers seamless integration by utilising the SOAP and REST standards. These enable the efficient exchange of data between ZEP and other systems such as ERP, CRM, HR, etc.

The supported operations include creating, querying, changing and deleting time bookings, as well as creating, querying and changing projects, customers and employees.

The Personio interface enables the connection of personnel data to ZEP. You determine which data is maintained in which system. The transfer includes all ZEP time bookings including the statutory break regulations in accordance with the Working Hours Act.

By connecting memtime to ZEP, digital activities can be measured fully automatically in everyday working life. The simple linking of account creation, the import of ZEP projects to memtime and automatic measurement significantly optimise time recording.

The "Export for accounting" add-on module enables the simple and error-free transfer of invoices and costs (receipts, additional subsistence expenses, mileage allowance) created with ZEP to your accounting system. It offers both a general export and special configurations for DATEV and Lexware.

The HubSpot interface synchronises company profiles and contact persons from HubSpot to ZEP. It enables a configurable connection to your existing HubSpot and simplifies the workflow for creating new projects in ZEP.