Projektzeiterfassung für Architekten und Ingenieure

With ZEP's highly configurable project time recording, you can master even the most complex projects within the planned budget. Manage your entire project management centrally, intuitively and digitally. ZEP lets you digitise quotations, reporting and invoices.

30 days non-binding

Time recording for engineering offices

Seit 20+ Jahren gehören Ingenieurbüros zum Kern unserer 1.800+ Firmenkunden und steigern mit ZEP ihre Teamleistungen!

Time recording for projects and customers

Digitales Projektcontrolling für Ingenieure

Die präzise & einfache Erfassung von Arbeits- und Projektzeiten ist für Ihr Ingenieurbüro von unschätzbarem Wert. Aus diesen Gründen:

  • Complete and reliable recording of your project times
  • Compliance mit behördlichen Vorschriften – wie das EuGH Urteil – erleichtern
  • Aufgewendete Arbeitszeit in interne Kosten und externe Umsätze umrechnen
  • Rentabilität Ihrer Projekte mittels geplanter Budgets sicherstellen
  • Projekte pünktlich & im vorgesehenen Zeitraum abschließen
  • Analyse von Zeitdaten für effiziente Ressourcenplanung
Test ZEP Project Time Recording free of charge
Manage projects efficiently

Präzise Aufwandserfassung für komplexe Projekte

Don't have time for manual processes? With ZEP you can digitise your project business in no time at all:

  • Digital holiday and absence planning with approval process
  • Scan travel expense receipts digitally while travelling
  • Project-related evaluation & final accounting at the push of a button
  • Plan engineers for parallel projects and control their capacity utilisation
  • Präzise Abrechnung unterschiedlicher Honorararten (zeitbasiert, ergebnisorientiert, erfolgsbasiert)
Project time recording Consulting vouchers

Projektmanagement für Ingenieurbüros

Modular software - flexible & reliable

Folgende Workflows lassen sich für Sie direkt in ZEP zur Erfassung rund um Projektzeiten realisieren:

  • Plan and track multiple assignments of your engineers on a project-specific basis
  • Simple management of your company structure by department or location
  • Digitally allocate and charge travel expenses directly to your projects
  • Create standardised offer templates & send offers in just a few minutes
  • Automatisierte Textbausteine für eine effiziente Rechnungsstellung
Project time recording Content 3

Whitepaper Projektzeiterfassung für Ingenieure

More insights in the whitepaper

Sie wollen reduzierten Aufwand & erhöhte Präzision für Ihr Projektmanagement? In diesem Whitepaper erwartet Sie spannende Insights zu folgenden Themen:

  • Für welche Ingenieur- und Planungsbüros sowie Anwendungsfälle sich ZEP besonders gut eignet
  • The path to digitalised project controlling from A to Z
  • Presentation of the ZEP add-on modules from quotation to invoicing
  • Kontinuierliche Überwachung Ihrer Projektbudgets für die gewünschte Profitabilität
  • Legally compliant time recording of working and project times
  • and much more.
ZEP is GDPR compliant
Made in Germany

Hosting and development in Germany

Flexible ZEP
Full flexibility

Can be cancelled at any time - no minimum contract period

ZEP Support
Personal support

Wishes or questions? We will help you directly!

FAQ - Projektzeiterfassung für Architektur- und Ingenieurebüros

ZEP is a software solution for project time recording. With ZEP, engineers can digitally record and manage their working hours, projects, customers and activities. This web-based software offers various modules and functions to organise project management efficiently and centrally.

Project time tracking is critical to managing the increasing complexity of projects. With ZEP, engineers can accurately record their billable hours and allocate them to projects, clients and activities. This enables precise invoicing and centralised project controlling.

Yes, ZEP makes it possible to assign working times directly to projects, customers and activities. This allows you to keep track of the working time spent and use it for billing and project analyses.

ZEP is a web-based software and can be integrated into existing IT infrastructures. This enables seamless collaboration with other tools and systems your organisation uses - from Hubspot, Personio and Salesforce to our ZEP interfaces (SOAP & REST) for data exchange with the rest of the world.

Yes, ZEP offers functions for project-related planning. You can manage projects from planning to final invoicing, create standardised quotation templates and use automated text modules for efficient invoicing.

Yes, ZEP enables your engineers to record travel expenses and receipts digitally and allocate them directly to the corresponding projects in ZEP. This simplifies the billing and controlling of travel expenses.

Yes, ZEP offers department-specific analyses of times and costs, enables the assignment of a department manager as an additional user role and allows the use of different currencies depending on the department, which is particularly advantageous for locations in non-euro countries.

What our customers say

Über 1.800 zufriedene Kunden nutzen ZEP bereits heute. Setzen auch Sie ab sofort auf ZEP!