Departments, Branches & Locations

How are individual company departments or branches performing? Keep an eye on your entire company, analyse the projects of individual business units and thus map your individual company structure.

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Improved structuring & visibility for multiple departments & locations with ZEP! All functions at a glance

This module introduces an additional level of structuring through which the view between the overall company and locations, branches, departments or teams is made possible:

  • Additional user role Head of Department
  • Internal cost allocation between departments
  • Assignment of projects and employees to departments
  • Own currency per division for foreign locations
  • Department-specific analyses of Attendancescosts and internal costs


The advantages of ZEP - optimise your company with multiple branches

This add-on module is the ideal complement to the Invoicing and the Overtime programme in ZEP, because the introduction of a departmental structure offers a number of other advantages:

  • Precise cost allocation between departments in the company
  • Clear assignment of projects & employees to the respective departments - ideal addition to the Resource planning
  • Transparency throughout the company
  • Facilitated project controlling at individual department level

Overtime, Absences & Holidays

Popular add-on module

  • Head of department as recipient for leave requests
  • Head of department can block or release employees' times

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Popular add-on module

  • Own invoice templates per department
  • Invoice number range per top department
  • Various specific departmental evaluations

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The module offers department-specific analyses of times, costs and internal costs. This gives you detailed insights into the performance and efficiency of each department in the company, enabling targeted optimisation.

Do you have company departments abroad? With the option of a separate currency for each department, you can also use this module to manage your foreign locations effectively. ZEP facilitates the structuring and evaluation of data for international locations, making it easier to manage and analyse company performance worldwide.

The module enables a comprehensive performance analysis of individual company departments or branches. It keeps an eye on the entire company, analyses projects of individual business units and thus maps the individual company structure.