Project time tracking

5 steps to work-life balance with project time tracking

In the modern working world, work-life balance is becoming increasingly important. Project time tracking software like ZEP can help you promote this balance by facilitating your work organisation and supporting flexible working models.
5 steps to work-life balance with project time tracking

The importance of a good work-life balance has increasingly come into focus in recent years. Generations Y and Z in particular have very clear ideas about how they want to balance their professional and private lives. In this context, work-life balance is becoming a decisive factor when choosing an employer. In this guide, we would like to show you challenges and solutions on how to promote work-life balance using project time tracking software.

Focus on work-life balance

Work-life balance describes a state in which work and private life are in equilibrium. This includes a fulfilling job that takes into account not only the financial needs but also the personal interests and ambitions of your workforce, as well as leaving enough time and freedom for private life. A key aspect here is the definition of clear working hours. While in Germany the standard working week is around 35 to 40 hours, in many companies regular overtime is expected, which can lead to an unhealthy work-life balance. This is where a fair and realistic working time arrangement is crucial. After all, creating a balanced life requires a fixed time frame that integrates free time and family time. Clear working hours allow your team to plan their leisure activities, which contributes to satisfaction and makes them feel valued. Because: Excessive stress can lead to overwork or even burnout.

Why a good work-life balance is important

Companies that promote work-life balance benefit in many ways. How so? Well, satisfied employees are more committed and productive when they feel valued. This leads to fewer mistakes, which in turn can save considerable costs. Furthermore, satisfied employees stay longer in the company, which leads to a continuous exchange of knowledge and stable working relationships. A work-life balance also has the positive effect that your employees "celebrate sick" less often, are more motivated and contribute to the further development of your company.

A satisfactory work-life balance naturally requires a certain adaptability from companies. Because: With the motto "business as usual" you will, among other things, attract fewer skilled workers and it may happen that you lose your competitiveness. Therefore, you should adapt to the changing expectations of your employees by, for example, offering flexible working time models, using technological advances, taking demographic change into account and promoting flat hierarchies and personal responsibility. These adjustments support the creation of a healthy work-life balance. When your company meets employee expectations, you benefit through satisfied employees, higher productivity, lower turnover and increased motivation, as well as improved employee retention.

5 Measures to promote the work-life balance

Do you now also want to introduce measures in your company to promote a healthy work-life balance and thus increased employee satisfaction? Here we have compiled five measures that will help you promote work-life balance:

The office & the workplace

Create pleasant and ergonomic workplaces. Offer your employees opportunities for retreat that allow them to work quietly and with concentration. And: Take the needs of parents into account, e.g. through flexible working hours and opportunities to return after parental leave.

Working hours and organisation

If you want to offer your employees a healthy work-life balance, be sure to ensure limited use of overtime. However, react early to persistent work overload. If your employees already work (albeit partially) in a home office, communicate clear rules on out-of-hours availability. Tip: Even in the home office there are closing times!

Communication & Leadership

A healthy working relationship requires communication. Talk to your employees about mutual expectations on how to promote work-life balance. Also train your managers to deal with the needs of your employees. Another plus: open communication about stresses and expectations leads to greater trust among your employees than strict guidelines from above.

Health Promotion & Stress Management

Is your daily project life often very stressful? Then it makes sense to implement health programmes or stress management. Perhaps you offer your employees membership in the local gym so that stress can be effectively reduced. Or you create, for example, an in-house running meeting during the lunch break. This strengthens the team spirit and dissolves stress as if in the blink of an eye.

Career & Development

Offer your team opportunities for professional development. These can be internal or external seminars, workshops or webinars that increase the expertise of your employees, from which not only the individual employee but also your company can benefit. Also, set clear target agreements to avoid excessive work pressure. This is not just a luxury, but a key to creating a healthy and sustainable work culture in your company that meets the demands of today's working world.

Project time tracking software optimises balance

Now you have already learned about some challenges and received tips on how to promote the work-life balance in your company. But: What role does project time recording software play in this and how does it support you in implementing the measures mentioned? Well, a software like ZEP offers you various functions and possibilities to make the recording of your project times more effective and user-friendly. This may seem like an extra effort at first, but in the end it saves valuable time, which helps to ensure a work-life balance.

Transparent project time recording

Modern software solutions for project time recording like ZEP enable your employees to document their working hours for different projects transparently and accurately. This transparency promotes clarity and enables employees to better organise their work. This allows them to create more realistic schedules and better distribute workloads. With ZEP, for example, you have the possibility, Working hours, project times and Travel expenses in real time to record. This way, you always have an up-to-date overview of the project status in the cloud. This is a crucial step to improve the work-life balance and reduce overtime.

Mobile time tracking

Software tools like ZEP often allow flexible recording of working and project times. Your employees can record their hours independently of fixed office hours and locations, which makes it easier to balance work and private life. With ZEP, you and your employees have the option of booking all project times regardless of location via web frontend or app. Do your employees often work in the field? The offline function of the ZEP app makes it possible to record project times while on the road at the customer's site. The automatic synchronisation with your ZEP version eliminates the need to enter times manually. Your employees no longer have to fill in tedious spreadsheets after a hard day's work at the customer's site and can start their well-deserved evening off relaxed.

Holiday and absence management

Do you know what it's like: annual leave has to be submitted and thus a lot of manually filled out leave applications end up on the desk of your HR department. Here, the overview (or in the worst case, even entire holiday applications) can quickly get lost. This creates stress - for the HR department and your employees. If not all of the leave has been planned, employees naturally want to know how much remaining leave is left, your HR department needs to remind them that it still needs to be taken, etc. With software like ZEP, absence and holiday planning is easily done digitally. With the Overtime, Absences & Holidays add-on module your employees can conveniently apply for all absence requests via the calendar and always have an overview of how many remaining days of leave are still available. Your HR department will probably be very grateful for the reduced effort. Stress and overwork are now a thing of the past. And if too much overtime should ever accrue, it can be compensated directly in ZEP with the absence reason "compensatory time off".

Clear communication

Time tracking tools can also help establish clear communication channels between employees and managers. Feedback and discussions about working hours and workload can be facilitated. While ZEP does not provide a direct communication channel, project and resource planning can help reduce work overload for your employees by scheduling each employee on a project-specific basis, so that they are only utilised as much as their working hours allow. With the Resource planning module you plan your projects with foresight and always have an overview of which tasks are due next. This way, ambiguities don't stand a chance!

Reconciling work & private life

As you can see, a good work-life balance is not just a personal lifestyle for the younger generations, but a crucial factor for the success and sustainability of your business! In demanding professional fields like yours, it's time to take back control of your time. Our software can be a crucial tool to achieve this balance. Would you like to experience the benefits of our software for yourself? We offer you the opportunity to test ZEP in a free and non-binding test version try it out. Start optimising your work-life balance today and take the first step towards a more balanced daily project life.

Tanja Hartmann CEP

Tanja Hartmann

Content Marketing Manager at ZEP

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