Project time tracking

Fully automatic time recording - with memtime and ZEP

ZEP now allows the use of memtime, an automated time tracking application, to capture accurate project times and synchronise them with ZEP, which is especially important for companies in times of tight budgets.

ZEP Blog

Since Corona, many companies have had to work with smaller budgets. Project managers therefore need more than ever the most accurate and up-to-date project times possible in order to be able to plan and control projects profitably.

Automatic recording of all activities at the workplace

Employees often struggle with time tracking. According to the Harvard Business Review, the accuracy of recorded time is only 36-67%. The reason: it is very difficult to remember how many hours went into which project and when.

For many employees, continuous time recording during the day is too time-consuming - which is why time recording is usually postponed and times are estimated retrospectively.

For all those who spend a lot of time at the computer and no longer want to rack their brains over how long they have worked on what, ZEP can now also be used with memtime.

What is memtime?

  • Local application for automatic time recording for ZEP
  • Imports projects - exports time bookings (requires the ZEP SOAP interface)
  • Measures all computer activities such as times in files, emails, browser & calendar fully automatically
  • shows users their day as a chronological timeline - the perfect reminder for project time tracking
  • 100% Privacy - only the user sees his times
  • Synchronises the user's time bookings with ZEP

Learn more now and test free of charge

ZEP and memtime can be connected with just a few clicks. On the ZEP side, the SOAP interface is required. memtime can be tried out free of charge and without obligation for 14 days - no payment details need to be provided. The memtime application is downloaded for the respective operating system and installed on the local workstation.

More information about ZEP with memtime.

Tanja Hartmann CEP

Tanja Hartmann

Content Marketing Manager at ZEP

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