Cloud-based software ZEP enables mobile time recording in the home office.
This is the conclusion of a recent study conducted by the INFORM Institute for Operations Research and Management, about the Market and SMEs reported. Result: Across all sectors, 77 per cent of the German companies surveyed use electronic time recording throughout, but only 20 per cent of the respondents are able to record these times on a mobile basis. Particularly in Corona times, this is a shocking result, which may also have legal consequences for the companies concerned.
The basis for the obligation to record working time is a Judgment issued by the ECJ as early as 2019. The Court of Justice ruled at the time that EU member states are obliged to enact regulations obliging employers to set up a system with which daily working time can be measured. This also and especially applies to the home office. It is not for nothing that the draft law mentioned at the beginning included the obligation to provide for digital time recording for home offices.
As cloud-based time recording software, ZEP also offers employees at home the possibility to enter their working hours into ZEP via any internet-enabled terminal device (PC, notebook, tablet, etc.) and assign them to the corresponding project. Furthermore, ZEP additionally offers mobile apps for all common mobile operating systems, so that even a smartphone or iPhone is sufficient to meet the legal obligation to record time.
The fact that companies are doing well to deal with the topic of mobile working time recording, especially now in times with a high proportion of employees working from home, is shown by the Example of the Emden Labour Court from last year. This is precisely why lawyers currently see a "need for employers to take action".
One company that relies on the mobile application possibilities of ZEP is eccelerate GmbH, an e-commerce consultancy from Munich "The advantage of cloud-based use for us is particularly the time and location-independent use of ZEP by our consultants. They are thus able to access ZEP and record their data both in the office, but also on the road or - very important especially in Corona times - at home in the home office," confirms Sigrid Schmid, Operations & Accounting Manager at eccelerate.
The complete case study on the use of ZEP at eccelerate is available at the ZEP website available.
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