New version of the ZEP Cloud software for time tracking

With the new version 6.9, which has recently become available, the company provantis IT Solutions is expanding the range of functions of its cloud-based software solution ZEP - Time Recording for Projects.
ZEP Blog

With the new version 6.9, which has recently become available, the company provantis IT Solutions is expanding the range of functions of its cloud-based software solution ZEP - Time Recording for Projects. The software was specially developed for time recording and project controlling for companies in project-oriented industries such as management consultancy, software development or agency business. Highlights of the new version are a new dashboard function for precise "insights" into daily business, a Spanish language version, as well as diverse enhancements that further increase the functionality and user-friendliness of the software.

Business Intelligence with ZEP

Current project data is the central prerequisite for precise project controlling, especially in project-oriented companies. ZEP users can now find a dashboard under "My ZEP" that provides them with a daily overview of insights into personal project times, working hours, ticket processing and much more. The data and information required for this has always been available in ZEP and is now visually prepared. "The new dashboard function of ZEP 6.9 offers an aggregated and graphical preparation of the data available in ZEP," explains Benny Hahn, Managing Director of provantis IT Solutions GmbH, at the presentation of the new ZEP version. "Each employee themselves and the managers for their respective employees, can now get well-founded insights into the distribution of project times, their overtime account, holiday requests and much more, and all at a glance. And what's more, without having to call up different areas of ZEP separately."

"Hola ZEP usuarios que hablan español"

ZEP users who speak Spanish can now use the solution in their native language. "The Spanish language version was added because some of our customers have branches in countries where Spanish is the main language. Until now, the employees there had to cope with the English language version," Benny Hahn's Managing Director colleague Christian Bopp explains the reasons for the additional language version. "From now on, they can also use our software in their native language, which significantly increases user-friendliness."

After all, Spanish is one of the top 5 most spoken languages in the world. Overall speak more than half a billion people around the world use this language.

Besides Spanish, ZEP is also available in German, English and French.

ZEP: Joint further development with customers

The further development of ZEP takes place in close cooperation with the customers and users of the software. Benny Hahn confirms: "All the features that go into a new release like version 6.9 have their origin in feedback and requests from our customers." Christian Bopp adds: "Together we then develop these ideas further, set priorities and then let them flow into the next update." And so there are already new ideas and suggestions that will be included in the next version of ZEP.

Focus of further development: user-friendliness and flexibility

Special attention in the further development of ZEP is traditionally paid to user-friendliness and flexibility. For this reason, the focus is on the ZEP dashboard, which should be designed to be as simple and intuitive as possible. In addition, ZEP customers should be able to flexibly customise the user interface according to their own ideas, e.g. by assigning their own additional fields in the "Customer", "Project" and "Employee" areas.

A complete overview of the new features of ZEP 6.9 is available on the ZEP website available.

Tanja Hartmann CEP

Tanja Hartmann

Content Marketing Manager at ZEP

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