Project management

Create a budget plan: Maximise profitability ✓

Find out how you can control costs with targeted budget planning in project management and successfully create a budget plan. Optimise your use of resources with ZEP for well-founded decisions.
Create a budget plan: Maximise profitability ✓

Creating a precise budget plan is essential for the success of a project. A well thought-out budget helps to utilise financial resources efficiently and avoid unexpected costs. This article guides you step by step through the creation of a budget plan in project management.

Table of contents - What you can expect:

Create a budget plan step by step
Budget planning with ZEP
Budget planning objectives
Who has to create a budget plan?

What is a project budget & budget plan?

A project budget is the financial Planning a project and includes all expected costs. The budget plan is the detailed document that structures all financial aspects of the project and controls the distribution of resources.

How does budget planning work?

Budget planning includes the estimation of all costs required for the realisation of a project. It includes the identification and allocation of resources, the consideration of risks and the creation of a plan for monitoring expenditure during the course of the project.

What different methods are there?

Budget planning can be carried out in various ways. Here are some common methods:

Top-down method


This method starts with an overall budget estimate, which is then broken down into the individual project phases and tasks.


Bottom-up method


The costs for each individual task or resource are estimated and then summarised to form an overall budget.


Analogue method


This method uses data from previous, similar projects to estimate the budget for the current project.


Parametric method


This method uses statistical relationships between historical data and other variables to estimate the budget.


Create a budget plan: Step-by-step guide

A systematic approach to budget preparation ensures that all aspects of the project are taken into account. The following steps provide guidance on how to create a detailed budget plan.

Step 1: Define project goals & milestones

Define clear project objectives and milestones to set the expectations and scope of the project. This forms the basis for budget planning and helps to determine the necessary resources and activities.

Step 2: Define the scope of the project

Determine the full scope of the project, including all tasks, activities and deliverables. A clearly defined project scope is crucial to provide accurate cost estimates and avoid budget overruns.

Step 3: Create results & sub-dependencies

List all expected results and the sub-dependencies required to achieve them. This helps to better understand and plan the necessary resources and costs for each phase of the project.

Step 4: Compile a list of all the resources you need

Identify all required resources, including personnel, materials, equipment and services. A detailed resource list is critical to making accurate cost estimates.

Step 5: Give an initial estimate of the budget

Based on the defined objectives, scope and resources, create an initial budget estimate. This should be a rough estimate of all costs incurred for the entire project.

Step 6: Compare budgets of other projects

Compare your budget with the budgets of similar projects to ensure that your estimates are realistic and appropriate. This can help identify potential gaps or overestimated costs.

Step 7: Plan with different scenarios & budget cushions

Consider different scenarios and create budget cushions for unforeseen costs. This ensures that you are prepared for possible risks and changes during the project.

Step 8: Create the final project budget

Based on the previous steps and adjustments, create the final project budget. This should include all expected costs and reserves and serve as the official financial plan for the project.

Step 9: Budget controlling: Create a budget tracking plan

Develop a plan for continuous monitoring and control of the budget. Regular tracking helps to recognise deviations at an early stage and take appropriate measures.

Precise budget planning with ZEP: Discover the benefits for your projects!

With ZEP, you can plan and track your project budgets in detail. This allows you to set realistic budgets and adjust project management accordingly to stay within budget. Your project team can monitor progress against budget and make immediate adjustments if the project threatens to get out of hand. You can have ZEP inform you automatically when certain percentage limits of the Planned hours or you can prevent more being booked than planned. This not only helps to ensure that your projects are completed on time, but also that the financial maximum is adhered to.

Identify most profitable clients & projects

Do you want to find out which customers and projects generate the most profit? Nothing could be easier. By measuring the profits achieved in relation to the project hours worked and the internal costs, you can determine exactly which customers and projects are responsible for the highest profits. Resulting Travel expenses are also automatically taken into account by ZEP.

This realisation is invaluable for your (future) business strategy. Because: This is the only way you can Resource planning This allows you to focus on more profitable projects and intensify your relationship with the most lucrative customers. At the same time, the analysis in ZEP offers you the opportunity to reconsider or adjust less profitable projects or customers that consume more resources.

All budget planning objectives at a glance

Budget planning has several important objectives:

✅ Ensuring the efficient use of resources

🚫 Avoidance of budget overruns

📊 Improvement of financial control

📈 Support for project management and decisions

⚠️ Preparation for unexpected costs and risks

💰 Ensuring the financial feasibility of the project

The right time: When should budget planning take place?

Budget planning should take place at the beginning of the project, before major activities start. This ensures that all financial aspects are taken into account and that the project is financially secure from the outset.

What should you pay attention to when planning your budget?

When planning your budget, you should make sure that you estimate costs realistically, take all potential risks into account and plan for regular reviews. It is also important to ensure transparent communication with all parties involved.


Careful budget planning is crucial for the Success of a project. Without a well-structured budget plan, unexpected costs can quickly take control, which can lead to financial bottlenecks and even project failure. These are common challenges that plague many project managers. However, by applying the right methods and systematic planning, these difficulties can be overcome.

Using a tool like ZEP offers numerous advantages and directly addresses these problems. ZEP not only helps you to create a detailed and realistic budget plan, but also to continuously monitor and adjust it. With ZEP, you can optimise the planning and deployment of your resources, resulting in greater efficiency and productivity. Precise cost estimates and regular monitoring by ZEP ensure that you always stay within budget and avoid budget overruns.

ZEP also offers comprehensive reporting and analysis functions that help you maintain financial control over your project. Clear data and reports support well-founded decisions and make project management considerably easier. By taking budget buffers into account, you are better prepared for unexpected costs and risks, which makes the Risk management improved. With ZEP. Make sure that your project remains financially feasible from start to finish.


Why is a project budget so important?

A project budget is important for planning and controlling the financial resources of a project. It helps to avoid financial bottlenecks and ensure that the project remains within the available budget.

What is included in the project budget?

The project budget includes all expected costs, such as personnel costs, material costs, equipment costs and services. Reserves for unforeseen expenses should also be planned for.

Who has to draw up a budget?

As a rule, the project management team is responsible for preparing the budget. This may include the project manager, the finance team and other relevant stakeholders.

Tanja Hartmann CEP

Tanja Hartmann

Content Marketing Manager at ZEP

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