Other industry
2-10 employees
ZEP Clock

CDU Aachen District Association

The Aachen CDU district association covers the entire area of the independent city of Aachen. This area is divided into a decentralised structure of 19 city district associations to ensure effective local solution finding and a high level of accessibility. Stefan Dussin is the district manager and, together with his team of 4, uses ZEP Clock for precise working time recording in the sometimes hectic day-to-day business.
ZEP user reports

Efficient software for time recording & holiday planning

Inspired by the regional association, the team of the CDU Aachen has been actively using our software for time recording ZEP Clock since February 2023. The enthusiasm was great right from the start, as the time tracking software makes everyday work much easier. From time recording to holiday planning and absence analysis, ZEP Clock covers all the needs of Stefan Dussin's team. In addition, some of the employees work from their home offices, so an intuitive app for time recording was needed. After some comparisons with other software, the CDU Aachen finally decided on ZEP Clock. "The overall package of price and performance is just right," says Stefan Dussin. "ZEP Clock is much more practical than manual time recording with countless Excel lists!

The team is particularly fond of the simple holiday planning: open the ZEP calendar, apply for holiday, approve, done! Without any annoying paperwork. "We would probably miss this function the most if we could no longer use ZEP," says Stefan Dussin. The paperless access to all important working time matters is a great relief in the sometimes hectic everyday business life, as all relevant data can also be accessed while on the road.

Final conclusion

"We zepen because the tool is very simple and clear!" - Stefan Dussin, District Manager of the Aachen CDU District Association.

CDU Aachen Logo

CDU Aachen District Association

Martinstrasse 8
52062 Aachen