IT services
11-50 employees
ZEP Compact

impac AG

impac AG has been active in software development and technology consulting throughout Europe since 2000. From its locations in Malans (CH) and Sankt Augustin (D), impac is a reliable and competent partner for its customers on site.

In the field of software development, impac offers an experienced team of certified application developers and software architects for JAVA and J2EE. The service spectrum ranges from intuitive user interfaces to complex web applications and mobile applications for Android and iOS to individual enterprise solutions.

ZEP user reports

The impac motto: "in time, quality and budget".

impac AG supports its customers with contract programming and the integration of standard software systems into existing system environments. Close contact between the customer and the high-calibre development team on a solution-oriented and process-based basis is the guarantee for the provision of the appropriate software solutions according to the motto: "in time, quality and budget".

Professional time recording for projects wanted

True to this motto, Mr August Schärli, member of the management, started looking for a powerful and professional solution for time recording on a project basis with the aim of replacing the previous internal application. An important selection criterion was the availability of the solution in a SaaS variant, as this would relieve the company's own servers of time recording and project management and eliminate the need for maintenance and data backup. Access via the internet should also facilitate time recording for employees working off-site.

Holiday management and billing

The system should usefully supplement the recording of working time with the recording and management of overtime, holiday and absence times. The times recorded on projects should be able to be settled directly and without additional effort from the time recording and lead into an accounts receivable management.

Detailed, non-binding test access

ZEP - the time recording for projects, was, according to Mr Schärli, the only SaaS application that seemed to meet all his criteria. The extensive test of the full version, which is made available to all interested parties, gave him the opportunity to confirm his expectations. At the turn of the year, impac AG introduced ZEP.

Rapid introduction possible

The introduction effort was very low with 2 hours of staff training, as it became clear during the test that ZEP is easy to use for the staff and is quickly accepted. Even the administrators very rarely accessed the manuals and FAQs provided online during the introduction. Unclarities were mostly already clarified in the practical help texts in ZEP and impac AG also rated the accessibility and quality of the ZEP support team as "very good".

Many evaluation options

In the day-to-day use of ZEP, impac AG found that the administrative effort previously required for statistics and evaluations using Excel tables was also significantly reduced, as numerous evaluation options are already integrated in ZEP. Statement on ZEP: "A reliable, user-friendly system that optimises the administrative effort for a company.

Mr. Schärli praises ZEP: During the entire period of use of his cloud ZEP, there was not a single programme crash or data loss; he would choose ZEP again at any time.

Logo Impac

impac AG

Comercialstrasse 34
CH-7000 Chur