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Holiday planning 2024: (Almost) double leisure time with ZEP

In 2024, there are once again numerous opportunities to make the most of your holiday time by cleverly using public holidays and bridge days. Find out which days you should definitely block out. Smart planning with ZEP leads to an abundance of additional free time - we'll show you how!
Holiday planning 2024: (Almost) double holiday entitlement with ZEP

Holiday time is the best time of the year for most of us and yet it is often limited. The usual holiday entitlement in Germany is between 20 and 30 days per year, which corresponds to four to six weeks off work. In this blog, we will show you how you can almost double your holiday time with intelligent planning and use of bridge days - always provided you do not have to work on weekends and public holidays. The year 2024 offers an excellent opportunity for this, as the holidays are employee-friendly. Let's take a closer look at the best times for your 2024 holidays and how you can make planning even easier with ZEP.

Tool for perfect holiday planning

Holiday planning can often be a challenge, but with the right software, manually filled out holiday applications finally come to an end. With the ZEP Overtime, Absence & Leave Module you can keep an eye on the optimal times for your holidays. And: With the creation of the holiday calendar in the master data, you are guaranteed not to miss any important dates. In addition, you can see in ZEP how much of the unused holiday from the previous year is still left. This way you won't lose any holiday days. And how do you apply for days off?

It's simple: digital! In ZEP, you click on the day you want to have off, enter the reason for your absence (in this case, paid leave) and the leave request is digitally transmitted to the person responsible for approving it. No more filling out manual leave requests, no more paperwork and you can get to your well-deserved holiday faster! Find out now how to get the most out of your 2024 leave days!

Bridge Days in January: A Great Start to the New Year

2024 starts with a gift for employees - New Year falls on a Monday, which means that with clever holiday planning you can enjoy a full ten days off between the years 2023/2024. ZEP can help you book those days and ensure you make the most of your well-deserved time off. And if you want to take advantage of a long break of up to 16 days, you can schedule four days off between 2 and 5 January. You might even have enough leftover leave from 2023 to do this.

Spring joy with bridge days in March

In March, especially workers from Berlin and Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania can rejoice, because they can extend their weekend by an additional Friday off with Women's Day on 8 March. In ZEP you can see this day at a glance thanks to the holiday calendar.

Let's move on to Easter. With ZEP, there is nothing standing in the way of optimal planning for your Easter holidays. Good Friday (29 March) and Easter Monday (1 April) are work-free in all federal states. This means that with only eight days off, you can enjoy a total of 16 days off. Check ZEP to see how you can cleverly distribute your holiday days so that you can get all you can out of your holiday entitlement.

May - An Eldorado for travel enthusiasts

The merry month of May in 2024 has it all when it comes to bridging days. Because the national Labour Day on 1 May falls on a Wednesday, which means that you can get a whole nine days off with only four days of holiday! And you also have Ascension Day on 9 May in mind with ZEP. Here you can enjoy a long weekend and thus four days off with one day of holiday.

May has even more to offer, however, because it is also Whitsun. Here, Monday (20 May) is a bank holiday. By taking four days off after Whit Monday, you can more than double your free time. Time that you could well use for an early summer short trip to the sun.

Autumnal relaxation in October & November

While summer has rather little to offer in terms of bridge days, autumn shows more generous possibilities. Take a look at your ZEP calendar to see how German Unity Day 2024 falls. That's right, it's a Thursday! So you have a long weekend in sight again with only one day of holiday. In addition, people from nine federal states can look forward to another long weekend in October. Because: Reformation Day on 31 October also falls on a Thursday in Brandenburg, Berlin, Hamburg, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Lower Saxony, Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt, Schleswig-Holstein and Thuringia.

And also in November, some federal states offer further public holidays that invite you to an extended weekend. In Bavaria, Baden-Württemberg, North Rhine-Westphalia, Rhineland-Palatinate and Saarland, for example, 1 November (Friday) is a public holiday. In addition, Saxons can look forward to the Day of Prayer and Repentance on 20 November, which fortunately falls on a Wednesday next year. You want nine extra days off? With only four days off, you can easily escape the November weather - if you work in Saxony.

Contemplative hours & many days off in December

The Christmas holidays in 2024 are very employee-friendly. Because: Christmas Eve falls on a Tuesday, so the work-free holidays are on Wednesday and Thursday. With only five days off, you can enjoy the reflective time of the year for a whole 12 days without having to think about work.

Digital support for your holiday planning

In order to optimise your holiday planning in 2024 and not to miss any of the above-mentioned dates, software such as ZEP can be very helpful. Because: You can conveniently store the public holidays that are relevant for your federal state in the master data so that you always have an overview of when the best time for holidays is. This setting is possible individually per company, department and employee - depending on where the employee is located or what regulations you have in your company. In addition, ZEP can also help you to display holidays not taken from the previous year so that you do not forget them. Finally, as already described, our software allows you to easily submit leave requests, which makes the entire process of your holiday planning greatly facilitated.

Overview of all public holidays in Germany 2024. Double holidays with ZEP.
Overview of all public holidays in Germany 2024

So you see, all in all, 2024 offers many opportunities to make the most of your limited holiday time and treat yourself to some relaxing time off. With good planning and the use of bridge days, you can almost double your holiday days and thus get the most out of your time off. With digital tools like ZEP, your holiday planning becomes a breeze. So, start thinking about your 2024 holiday in good time and secure the best times for rest and relaxation.

Tanja Hartmann CEP

Tanja Hartmann

Content Marketing Manager at ZEP

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