
Our ZEP terminal - much more than just time tracking

Time recording by means of terminals is becoming increasingly popular, as they offer a reliable, simple and space-saving solution for keeping track of employees' working hours and meeting the requirements of the BAG ruling on working time recording.

ZEP Time Recording Terminal

Time recording by means of terminals is becoming increasingly popular. Why? They offer a reliable, simple and space-saving solution to keep track of the working hours of your staff. But time recording has to be simple and fun. Because let's face it, no one wants even more administrative work. How do you achieve this? With efficient and transparent processes, such as the display of the overtime account.

BAG ruling rekindles discussion on time recording

The BAG ruling on the recording of working hours of 13 September 2022 shakes up the world of work and confronts you as an employer with challenges you thought were long gone. Because BAG President Inken Gallner decided: From now on, all working hours of employees without exception must be recorded according to Section 3, Paragraph 2, No. 1 of the ArbSchG.

The court thus lays the foundation for a heated discussion on the "how" and "why" of time recording. How should a reliable recording of working time in the home office function? How is overtime recorded? Holiday times? There are many questions that you as an employer - quite rightly - ask yourself. It's good if you have a reliable partner at your side for whom the topic of time recording is deeply anchored in the DNA. Modern time recording systems that really everyone can afford? We can!

From the SMEs, for the SMEs

Modern time recording systems and terminals often come with hardware and software as a package. This can quickly run into money and present you as an employer with sensitive financial challenges. And because we know that not every company can afford a time recording system costing several hundred euros, we have developed ZEP over the past 20 years. What exactly do we do? We develop software that makes your work easier. But in addition to software development, our customers quickly expressed the desire to "clock in" not only via app or browser, but also physically on site, in order to take every employee along on the time recording journey. That's why we also build RFID terminals and provide you with our specially developed software. You and your colleagues clock in and in the end everyone is happy because the regulations of the BAG ruling are fulfilled. But one thing at a time.

Let's start with our terminals. These are produced in-house - in keeping with Swabian tradition. The housing is created in several individual parts using our 3D printers. We use a somewhat slower printing speed so that we can guarantee you consistently high quality.

The technical components - i.e. the inner values of our terminal - are largely sourced from Germany, with everything from soldering at a local company to assembly in our offices being completely "Made in Germany". All connections, functions and of course the design of our terminal are also all created in-house.

Scope of delivery ZEP Terminal

Of course, we have also thought of the necessary accessories, which we sell directly at one-off prices. Besides practical RFID chips (With a frequency of 13.56 MHz - type Mifare DESfire EV1 or EV2 or the ISO14443A standard.) or cards, you can also purchase accessories from us for proper mounting with a PoE wall mounting kit, a PoE adapter or a flush-mounted power supply.

And we also focus on refurbishment when it comes to sustainability, because: All individual parts can be exchanged, so that returned terminals can simply be reused without any technical or visual losses for our customers.

In focus: your time

You want to concentrate 100 per cent on your day-to-day business without organisational losses? No problem! Instead of purchasing expensive time recording devices, you can rely on a cost-effective solution with our terminals and the corresponding software: you can rent our terminal for as little as 15 euros per month. All you need is a power connection and an internet connection. We leave it up to you whether you want to integrate our terminal wirelessly into your own network via WLAN or set up a place for it on the LAN cable. In any case, our technology allows for both.

As soon as the terminal is set up and our ZEP software is installed on your computer, you are ready to go: You and your colleagues clock in when you enter the company and our terminal automatically transmits the data, https-encrypted, to the Selected ZEP version. Our solution offers much more than just recording "comings and goings": you can record, document and evaluate break times, overtime and much more.

You have employees in your home office? We do too! And our software solution works reliably and efficiently here too, because: Thanks to the web interface and mobile apps, ZEP can also be used for seamless working time recording outside your own company premises. So you can sit back and relax and concentrate on your day-to-day business - the time recording runs automatically.

We are already zepen - are you?

More than 1,000 customers are already benefiting from the flexibility, efficiency and reliability of our tool. And we ourselves are also convinced ZEP users. Why? Our co-managing director Benny Hahn explains: "ZEP replaces the classic Excel/Word combination for recording and billing project times. The manual effort of installation is minimal, so the user-friendliness is on a high level and the acceptance by users is given right from the start. Through constant improvements based on feedback from our customers, we are always adapting our product to the needs of our customers. And if even a function is not good enough for us, the paths to our developers are not far. Of course, one of our ZEP terminals is also located in our own office. So each of us has the opportunity to clock in in the morning. Those who forget to clock out in the evening are reminded by e-mail. Very practical when things do get hectic."

Do you want to be one of the companies that can relax after the BAG ruling? Feel free to contact us. No matter whether you work with ZEP as an all-round carefree variant want to cover your entire project time recording or ZEP Clockin combination with our terminal, for the pure recording of working hours. Our support finds the right solution for you.







All prices are net prices and are subject to VAT at the current rate of 19% and a flat rate of € 5.90 for shipping and handling. Status 01.10.2022.
This offer is exclusively aimed at corporate customers within the EU who use ZEP in the rental version.
Illustrations similar, subject to change.

Tanja Hartmann CEP

Tanja Hartmann

Content Marketing Manager at ZEP

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