Work time tracking

Paperwork adé - Digital time recording with ZEP Clock

With ZEP Clock you do away with unnecessary paperwork and time-consuming evaluations. Raise your working time recording to the digital level.

ZEP Blog

You know the situation: Recording working time causes unnecessary paperwork, the evaluation is time-consuming and then the process also has to be legally compliant. Have you already heard about ZEP Clock heard? Our sample customer Bernd uses our ZEP for his cleaning company with 12 employees at 2 locations. Bernd is an example for all users who need a fast, uncomplicated and Recording working time at the terminalvia app or web browser is important. Accompany Bernd through a completely normal day.

No power to the stamp stress

Bernd arrives at his cleaning company around 9 o'clock in the morning and clocks in at the PC in ZEP Clock. All of Bernd's employees have already flown out and are on duty with the customers. Of course, they don't clock in at the office, but do it flexibly via the mobile app while on the road. Here they can also directly record where they are and what they are doing at the customer. As an administrator, Bernd can see which of his employees have already clocked in and which customer they are currently working for. Everything is fine today, until Bernd checks his e-mails.
Here he discovers that the apprentice has once again not clocked out the day before. Once again, Bernd is glad that he has stopped the automatic clocking out of employees in ZEP. He is curious when the apprentice will contact him, because he has also received an email that he has forgotten to clock out. Why is Bernd still totally relaxed about this? It's simple: he informs his employees when he does the month-end closing that something still needs to be worked on. He also doesn't have to worry that his part-time employee is working too many hours, because: He is informed by ZEP Clock as soon as a certain number of hours is reached. This way, he can intervene in time if necessary and simply carry over any overtime to the next month.

Unexpected comes often

Now the first wave of work in the morning is done, Bernd goes contentedly to the coffee machine and enjoys the peace and quiet in the office. But then - *jingling* - the phone rings. One of his employees has fallen at home and cannot come to work today. Bernd wishes him a speedy recovery and enters the employee's absence time in ZEP. Speaking of which, this is a good moment to check on the holidays and current absences of all employees. The absenteeism calendar in ZEP Clock can be integrated into all common calendar formats and so Bernd looks directly in his Outlook, which is still open, to see who is not there and when. Bingo! Two of his employees had applied for leave. Now Bernd also remembers the email that ZEP sent him in this regard. In the overview, he sees that the holidays fit well into the schedule and so he releases the absence requests quickly and easily. I'm sure his employees will be happy about that. And now, back to business.

Everything in view even during the break

Bernd did some to-dos in the morning, now it's lunch break. So he clocks out because he has a lunch date with a friend today - which will certainly not take longer than 30 minutes. ZEP Clock does not allow incorrect break times; after all, that's what the automatic break deduction is for - depending on the working time and within the framework of the legal regulations.
And the phone rings again. A customer is on the line and wonders where the cleaner is who should have been there long ago. So Bernd calls his employee, who is firmly convinced that he is in the right building. Bernd looks at the "Comes/Goes evaluation" in ZEP and has to find out that his employee was in building A and not in building C at the time of stamping. Another phone call to the customer solves the misunderstanding.

The end of the day calls

After a quiet afternoon, Bernd checks again at the end of work to see who is on the road on behalf of cleanliness. Conclusion: everything looks good. But what is it? The apprentice hasn't clocked out again, even though he was in the office. So Bernd takes over for him, quite simply via the app.
ZEP Clock makes Bernd's everyday work much easier. What particularly convinces him? The quick set-up, uncomplicated working time recording and automatic clocking out. And thanks to the overtime and absence module, Bernd benefits from clear absence management and an overview of who is absent when and for what reason. This means that tedious paperwork and time-consuming evaluations are finally a thing of the past.
You want to slow down your working day just like Bernd and have time for the really important things? Why not try out ZEP Clock 30 days without obligation and free of charge. If you have any questions, please contact our Support happy to answer questions.

Tanja Hartmann CEP

Tanja Hartmann

Content Marketing Manager at ZEP

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