Updates in cloud computing: one for all, all for one!

In mid-November 2020, the time had come again: with version 6.4, a new major release of ZEP, a cloud-based software for time recording and project controlling, was published.

ZEP Blog

In mid-November 2020, the time had come again: with version 6.4, a new major release of ZEP, a cloud-based software for time recording and project controlling, was published. The rollout took place over a weekend, and from Monday onwards, all ZEP Cloud users were able to access the new version.

All in all, the new version contains several dozen innovations and enhancements compared to the previous version. These include, for example, support for the e-bill formats ZUGFeRD 2.1 and XRechnung. These two formats have been available to ZEP customers with public clients for Entry into force of the e-Billing Act mandatory. With the new version of ZEP, Austrian customers are able to calculate annual leave entitlement for each employee by entry date/working year to the day. Other new functions are based on feedback from the now more than 900 customers working with the solution on a daily basis.

Cloud software: Deployment on a central platform

The example of ZEP 6.4 shows a major advantage of the cloud operating system. The software solution is made available to all users centrally on one platform. If new functions are to be added, they are first extensively tested and then transferred to the productive system. They are then available to all users "at the touch of a button". If, on the other hand, the software were operated in the classic on-premise system, all ZEP customers would have to install it themselves on site in their company and adapt it to the existing IT environment (hardware, operating system, end devices). With cloud operation, on the other hand, access takes place via a conventional web browser, independent of the IT infrastructure used. Legal requirements such as the requirements of the E-Invoice Act mentioned at the beginning regarding the invoice format can thus be made available centrally without the end user having to take action himself.

Joint further development with customers

Another advantage of the cloud operating model is that customer requests can be integrated into the software more quickly and easily. Since all users work on the same platform, their feedback and change requests can be compared more easily and checked for their relevance to other users. In return, provantis as a software provider can be sure that all changes can be used in the same way by all users when they work with the software via browser.

The advantage of this approach is confirmed, for example, by Christian Korn, Partner and Chief Financial Officer (CFO) at the KORN CONSULT GROUP: "It is interesting [...] to see that our change requests flow into the overall platform within the framework of updates and thus also benefit other ZEP users. Conversely, of course, we also benefit from the suggestions of other ZEP users."

Christoph Stiens, NetzWerkStadt GmbH & Co.KG (NWS), confirms: "The rapid integration of customer-specific adaptations in new versions of the solution means that ZEP is continuously developed further together with the users".

Andrea Renk, Senior Consultant at Uzuner Consultingexplains: "Suggestions for changes are taken up and quickly integrated into new updates/versions. The company had already expressed the wish for a specific evaluation option in a previous version, which was then integrated as part of the next ZEP update and thus benefited not only Uzuner Consulting but also all other ZEP customers.

And so, once again, numerous suggestions for extensions and new functions have been incorporated into ZEP 6.4. A complete list of the new functions of ZEP 6.4 can be found on the ZEP website available.

On-premise as an option

Important note at the end: If corporate philosophy or other reasons speak against use in the cloud, ZEP can also be installed and used on-premise on your own systems.

Tanja Hartmann CEP

Tanja Hartmann

Content Marketing Manager at ZEP

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