ZEP again successfully certified as a Certified Cloud at the Cloud Ecosystem

provantis IT Solutions, provider of the cloud-based time recording solution ZEP - Time Recording for Projects announces the successful recertification of its solution as "Certified Cloud" by the industry association Cloud Ecosystem e.V....

ZEP - time recording for projects again successfully certified as Certified Cloud at the Cloud Ecosystem

provantis IT Solutions, provider of the cloud-based time recording solution ZEP - Time Recording for Projects announces the successful recertification of its solution as "Certified Cloud" by the industry association Cloud Ecosystem e.V.. The new certificate is valid for the period of twelve months.

"Certifications are a very good opportunity for us to have our solution checked and evaluated by third parties," explains Benny Hahn, Managing Director of provantis IT Solutions on the occasion of the successful recertification. "This gives our customers the security of using a solution that meets all current specifications and requirements for a web-based software solution."

Cloud Ecosystem Certified Cloud Solution: Quality Label for Software-as-a-Service Solutions

As a prerequisite for the "Certified Cloud" certificate of the Cloud Ecosystem, the certified companies undertake to comply with technical, contractual and service-related cloud quality standards. Security plays just as important a role as flexible booking and exit options or service levels. Verified references additionally confirm credibility.

Certificates: Proof of performance and data security

Certificates play a central role in the context of cloud-based solutions, especially in the areas of performance and data security. Current surveys among IT users also show that certificates are an important decision criterion when choosing an IT service provider.

provantis IT Solutions is aware of this importance. For example, ZEP is operated in a secure high-performance data centre in Stuttgart, which has the following certificates:

  • ISO 27001 certificate based on IT-Grundschutz,
  • Certified tekPlus data centre (TÜV Saarland).

Thanks to these certificates, the ZEP customer can not only be sure that the application is operated according to the latest technical principles, he also has the guarantee that this is also checked and confirmed at regular intervals by external experts and specialists (e.g. the TÜV).

In addition to technical performance and availability, this also applies to data protection and data security requirements. For example, all ZEP data is backed up daily to a data centre seven kilometres away in accordance with a recommendation by the Federal Office for Information Security (BSI).

The operation in a data centre in Germany also ensures that the requirements of the German Data Protection Regulation (DSGVO) are met. ZEP customers also receive the contract for commissioned processing required by the DSGVO (Art. 28 DSGVO) when using the time recording solution as a cloud service.

An overview on the topic of data protection and availability at ZEP - Time Recording for Projects is available at the ZEP website available.

Tanja Hartmann CEP

Tanja Hartmann

Content Marketing Manager at ZEP

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