A day from A to ZEP - Accompany our Conny

With ZEP Professional, you can use cloud-based working time and project time recording to digitise processes, work more efficiently and keep project status transparent.

ZEP Blog

Are you interested in cloud-based working time and project time recording, but have no idea how such a system can be used in daily "doing"? Then we will take you with us today into the world of ZEP Professional. With our solution, you digitise your processes so that you and your team are always optimally on time. Experience a day from "A to ZEP" with Conny in her consultancy with currently 81 colleagues - Conny is representative for all those who use ZEP in a medium-sized or even larger company and would like to digitalise the entire project business with it.

Typical Monday? Not with ZEP!

New week, new luck. For Conny, Monday starts around 8:30 a.m. with the arrival at her Munich office. And because Conny was in a hurry this morning - typical Monday - she unfortunately left her RFID chip at home. Normally she always uses it to stamp her ZEP Terminal at the entrance to the office, today she does this with the app.

A quick coffee in the kitchen and the ZEP diary calls Conny into her first conference call for the week. The call lasts a little longer than planned because the client has some problems with project A. Conny doesn't sweat because she is comfortable with her client's problems. Conny doesn't break a sweat because she can easily find a solution to her client's problems. Ticket in ZEP and assign them directly to the corresponding project staff. Conny is pleased that she decided to use the add-on module, because it allows her to divide her projects into individual tasks, assign them to the corresponding employees and thus optimise her own workflow. Conny records the project time spent on the phone directly via the appointment in the calendar.

Looking at the clock, Conny realises that she must slowly make her way to Nuremberg. There she has made an appointment with a client to celebrate the successful completion of the joint project B. Conny makes the journey in her private car. But it is not only the appointment at the customer's location that is on the agenda, but also a big lunch to celebrate the day.

Well planned is half won

After celebrating the successful Project B with her client, Conny sets off on her way back to Munich at around 3 pm. She records the hospitality voucher and the km money with the Travel expenses module on arrival in Munich from the company car park via app. Back at her desk, thanks to the direct assignment to the corresponding project, Conny can, at the push of a button, call up the Create invoice for project B in ZEP. And because Conny has stored her stationery in the system, she sends her customer the invoice conveniently by e-mail as a pdf document. Tick the box and off you go.

Our Conny not only has responsibility for her customers, but also for her employees. Towards late afternoon, Conny sits down at the Resource planning for the rest of the week: she plans the workload of the employees by means of work packages, approves holiday requests and sends out another project offer that has arrived by email in the meantime. Quite a lot at once, but luckily Conny uses ZEP Professional. Here she has the entire project management under control and navigates within the programme with just a few clicks.

Digitisation made easy

Jaba daba du - At 6:15 p.m. Conny is looking forward to her well-deserved evening off. We have already noticed this morning that our Conny is sometimes a bit forgetful and so Conny misses clocking out in the evening. On the way home, Conny gets a call from a customer. A milestone still has to be added to project C, which had not been fixed before. Conny notes down everything necessary and records the 15-minute phone call using the app and assigns the time to Project C in ZEP.

After Conny finally arrives home, she gets an email. ZEP says "Your time recording is not complete and you have been automatically logged out. The scales fall from Conny's eyes: she forgot to clock out when she left the office and she hasn't recorded all her project times for today. So she quickly catches up on the project time recording via the app before Conny's time sheets are automatically emailed to the clients of projects A and C at 9 p.m. to inform them about the current project status. For today, Conny has done everything and with ZEP Professional she was able to record all processes more easily, efficiently and completely digitally. In the meantime, Conny has been using ZEP Professional for several months. In the discovery phase she ZEP tested for 30 days without obligation and free of chargeIf she has any questions, she can always get professional help from our Support team receive and ultimately opt for ZEP Professional with some Additional modules decided. This way, Conny only pays for what she really uses and needs. With this in mind: Good night, Conny!

Do you also want to digitalise your project management, speed up processes and make your project time recording more efficient? Do it like Conny: start using zepen. Test it now for 30 days without obligation!

Tanja Hartmann CEP

Tanja Hartmann

Content Marketing Manager at ZEP

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