Mobile project time recording - meaning, 2 apps & co.

In the modern working world, mobile project time tracking is becoming increasingly important. The flexibility & efficiency it enables helps companies to optimally manage their employees on the move and promote a better work-life balance.
Mobile project time recording - meaning, apps & co.

Today's working world is characterised by mobility and flexibility. More and more employees and self-employed people work outside the traditional office and are increasingly on the move. In this context, mobile project time recording and the documentation of working hours are becoming increasingly important. More and more companies are recognising the need to manage their employees efficiently on the move and to support them in their work processes. In this article, we will shed light on the importance of mobile time recording in working life and take a closer look at its role as an efficiency booster.

Changes in the world of work

The world of work has changed drastically in recent years. Technological advances and increasing digitalisation mean that employees are no longer tied to a fixed place of work. Home offices, mobile working and virtual teams have become the norm in many industries. The flexibility these changes offer is one of the great benefits for employees and companies alike.

Despite the many benefits of mobility, there are also - as with pretty much everything in life - various challenges to overcome. One of these challenges is to accurately record and (very importantly!) transparently manage the working time of your employees on the move. Traditional time recording systems installed at a fixed location are often impractical for mobile workers and can lead to inaccurate or even missing records. To overcome these challenges, a contemporary solution is needed: mobile time recording. It allows your employees to record their working hours in a straightforward and accurate way, regardless of where they are. This innovative method makes the management of working time more transparent and efficient, which ultimately leads to increased productivity and satisfaction of your employees. The same also applies to the complete project management, which with the right Software for project time recording can also be done on the road.

The advantages of mobile time recording

Mobile time recording offers your company a flexible, efficient and legally compliant solution for recording and managing working and project times. The benefits range from an improved work-life balance and higher employee satisfaction to increased efficiency and productivity to a better overview of working hours and compliance with legal requirements - such as the BAG ruling from September 2022 and the resulting Draft bill of the BMAS from spring 2023. But: What do the advantages mentioned look like in detail?


Mobile project time recording enables your employees to record their working and project times regardless of their location. Whether in the office, in the home office, on a business trip or in the field - with a mobile app, times can be documented easily and accurately. Among other things, this helps your employees experience more flexibility in their work arrangements. They can better adapt their working hours to their individual needs and commitments, which leads to an improved work-life balance. The possibility to work productively outside the office also increases the satisfaction and motivation of your employees.


Mobile time recording brings with it a considerable increase in efficiency, as it significantly reduces the administrative effort. Instead of tedious manual time recording on paper or in Excel spreadsheets, working and project times can be recorded quite conveniently via an app or a cloud solution. Automatic recording saves valuable time that your employees can use for their actual tasks. This leads to increased productivity and enables your company to use the available resources more efficiently. Manual management of time recording data is eliminated, resulting in a smoother workflow overall.

Real-time data

Thanks to mobile time recording, project managers and HR officers have an up-to-date overview of their employees' working hours at all times. The recorded data is available in real time and can be evaluated quickly and easily. This enables you to plan projects and allocate resources precisely. Project managers can more easily see whether the team's working time is being used appropriately and thus react to any deviations in good time. The transparency in (project) time recording also promotes a trusting work culture and helps to increase employee motivation.

Legal conformity

Compliance with legal and judicial provisions and working time regulations is of central importance for companies. With a mobile time tracking tool, compliance is much easier. For example, time tracking software can automatically take breaks into account and ensure that mandatory rest periods are respected. This minimises the risk of errors in working time recording and potential penalties by authorities or employee representatives. Mobile project time recording additionally supports companies in meeting legal requirements and keeping a legally compliant record of working hours.

The ZEP App - Mobile Project Time Recording on the Move

Before you make a decision for your company Mobile app for project time recording When choosing an app, some important factors should be taken into account. The functions of the app should meet the individual requirements of your company, such as location tracking or integration with other applications. In addition, the app should be suitable for the number of employees who will use it. A user-friendly app is of great importance so that your employees can use it easily.

Our ZEP App for Android and iOS offers you a convenient solution for mobile project time recording and digital documentation of your travel expenses - completely independent of location. Your employees can easily record their working and travel times as well as receipts via the app and thus achieve maximum flexibility in their daily business. Projects, employees and customers are managed as usual via the ZEP web frontend. Project information and assignments can also be transferred via the web version. Existing times and receipts can also be edited here accordingly. Against the background of mobile time recording, the ZEP app offers numerous highlights, such as:

- Recording of project times with individual presettings
- Start-stop function for favourite projects
- Adding supporting documents with image or pdf attachments
- Business trip recognition and tracking of locations and distances
- Recording of meals for the calculation of additional meal expenses

Companies that rely on mobile project time recording can adapt to a modern and future-oriented way of working and benefit from the numerous advantages that this innovative technology brings. The ZEP app offers a user-friendly solution to optimise mobile time recording in everyday work and simplify work processes. Rest assured: with the ZEP app, your company and your employees are well equipped for the demands of the modern working world.

Small but mighty - digital time clock is always with you

Our ZEP Clock App for iOS and Android is the simple solution for mobile working time recording. By conveniently clocking in and out, your working hours and those of your employees and colleagues are documented in accordance with the law and current data protection guidelines. The app works like a time clock - but is not tied to a specific location. Wherever working hours are to be recorded, they can simply be clocked in or out. Because: Every time you clock in or out, the time is logged and transferred to the ZEP Clock software, where all times can be managed and evaluated. You can connect as many ZEP Clock apps as you like to a ZEP Clock account and assign different numbers of employees to each connected app. Each individual employee can see themselves. Managers, on the other hand, have the option of viewing the entire team. And here, too, the rule is: Safety first! Because: An individual PIN code can be set for each employee to safely prevent misuse when clocking in!

A note follows: If you want to use our ZEP App or the ZEP Clock App, you need an active licence of ZEP Clock, ZEP Compact or ZEP Professional. Unfortunately, the apps cannot be used without this. If you do not yet have a ZEP licence, you can download our Test the software solution 30 days free of charge and without obligation. Then nothing will stand in the way of using the app. Do you have questions about ZEP or the use of the apps? Our personal support will be happy to advise you.

Tanja Hartmann CEP

Tanja Hartmann

Content Marketing Manager at ZEP

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