Comparison: ZEP vs factorial

Both ZEP Compact and factorial offer all the necessary functions for project time recording and project management. Whether via desktop or mobile apps, the tools provide a user-friendly and practical solution for day-to-day work. ZEP Compact offers many additional functions thanks to its comprehensive modular structure.
What functions should a project time recording tool fulfil for you?

ZEP Compact vs factorial

zep logo v6

With its wide range of functions, ZEP Compact offers a project- and customer-specific solution for time recording. The software combines project, employee and customer management and thus ensures efficient working. This is complemented by automated analyses that provide a continuous overview of all areas.

factorial Logo

Factorial is a comprehensive cloud-based HR tool that has been specially developed to optimise HR management processes in small and medium-sized companies. It offers a wide range of functions, including time recording, holiday and absence management, payroll accounting, applicant management and performance appraisal.

= Function is included
= Function can be added
ZEP factorial
Personal customer support by telephone
30-day free trial version 14-day free trial version
Maximum number of users Unlimited Unlimited
Maximum number of projects Unlimited Unlimited
Price 8€/user 8€/user
Work time tracking
Staff management
Project time tracking
Customer management
Holiday management
Travel expense report
Customised cost accounting
Resource planning
Automated analyses and reports
Customisable with company logo and CI
Single sign-on
Smartphone App
Flexible contract terms
Modular expansion of functions possible

Software comparison: ZEP vs factorial

Project management

Projects can be created and managed in both factorial and ZEP Compact. Projects can be divided into sub-processes and project teams with different roles and work locations can be recorded. Projects can also be analysed automatically.

Customer management

In contrast to factorial, ZEP Compact offers the possibility of Project time tracking also enables detailed customer management. Customer master data and contact persons can be created for this purpose. In addition, customer managers can be defined who act internally as key account managers.

Prices & Receipts

The mapping and input of hourly and daily rates is integrated as standard in both solutions. Surcharge payments for night work, for example, can also be stored. In contrast to factorial, ZEP Compact also supports the controlling of projects through the possibility of charging internal cost rates.

Overtime, Absences & Holidays

ZEP Compact and factorial offer a solution for mapping and approving holiday requests. An integrated absence and holiday calendar can be viewed at any time in both products. In addition, any absence reasons can be recorded and leave and holiday requests can be approved. Absences be analysed.


The recording of freelancers is easily possible with ZEP Compact. In addition, project-specific internal hourly and daily rates as well as credit notes for projects can be stored. This significantly simplifies processes. Such a solution is not integrated in factorial.

Add-on functions

ZEP Compact is a modular extension of functions such as Resource planning, Travel expense report and Document management within the software. This gives customers the opportunity to add functions step by step. This makes it possible to find customised solutions and avoid unnecessary costs.

factorial can also be expanded on a modular basis. However, the packages are coarser and therefore cannot be customised as specifically as with ZEP Compact.

Time recording, break times

Both ZEP Compact and factorial offer the possibility to Working hours both via the desktop and via mobile apps to be recorded. Both platforms allow users to document their individual working hours and break times, taking into account the statutory regulations at all times. A real-time overview of hours worked, overtime and hours still to be worked is displayed in both systems. Furthermore, the tools offer the option of stamping working time on specific activities in order to track the time invested per task. The recording of Overtime and absences is possible. A clear team calendar also displays holiday times transparently.

Departments, branches, locations

The ZEP Compact software enables the flexible expansion of complex company structures. You can differentiate between various roles, including team leader, project manager and employee. In addition, further Locationsparent company or subsidiaries.

Tickets, tasks & to-dos

ZEP Compact offers companies with an agile focus the opportunity, Project tickets and subtasks to create, book and invoice times. Optional customer accesses and clearly defined status transitions are also supported. It is not possible to integrate these functions in factorial.

Travel expense report

The factorial and ZEP Compact software products enable the direct billing of Travel expenses within the environment. This includes the recording of meals, the payment of credit notes to employees and the display of various tax rates and country-specific regulations. Employees can submit any number of receipt types, which in turn can be charged directly to the customer in ZEP Compact.


ZEP Compact and factorial customers have the option of using the Customer support by telephone and e-mail. This ensures continuous support.


Compared to factorial, ZEP Compact offers a more comprehensive and flexible solution for project time recording and project management. The functions include the management of freelancers and resource planning. The modular expansion of the software enables a high degree of flexibility and customisation. Support for agile working through the management of project tickets and subtasks is also a plus point of ZEP Compact. factorial also has the essential functions of project time recording, but focusses more strongly on HR functions.

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