Project time tracking

Professional Services Automation Software: PSA advantages ✓

Find out how PSA software such as ZEP can optimise your service company - for improved efficiency and profitability.

Professional Services Automation Software: PSA advantages

PSA software is like an ERP system for service companies that sell their time and expertise. Read the blog to find out what benefits your company can gain by using PSA software.

Table of contents - What you can expect:

PSA software should have these functions
Key advantages of PSA software
ZEP as Professional Services Automation Software

What is PSA software?

PSA stands for Professional Services Automation and is a cloud-based platform that links internal workflows. It offers functions such as Time recording, project management, Resource planninginvoicing and reporting. PSA software can usually be easily integrated into payroll accounting or CRM systems.

PSA software can be found in various industries in which Project time tracking plays a central role. In these industries in particular, the functions of PSA software are designed to support project management throughout the entire course of a project - from the initial Offer up to the Invoicing to the customer. The software optimises your central project processes and also takes into account factors that are difficult to measure. Customisation - as with extensive ERP systems - to your business requirements is not necessary.

What functions should PPE have?

PSA software provides a centralised hub that enables the tracking and management of critical business processes. To the Main functions of professional services automation software:

🎯 Opportunity management

📊 Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

📑 Order management

🔄 Resource utilisation and resource management

📅 Project management

💰 Project accounting

⏱️ Time and expense management

📜 Accounting and invoicing management

🎟️ Ticketing

📝 Documentation

📈 Practice/management reports

🔐 Security and compliance

4 key advantages of PSA software

Are you responsible for time-critical projects? Then the use of suitable professional services automation software is an indispensable necessity in your day-to-day business. After all, time is your most precious resource! The benefit of PSA software is that you are able to automate and optimise all internal processes that form the basis for converting time into profit. And these are the fundamental advantages:

Advantage 1: Transparency & collaboration

With the help of Professional Services Automation Software, you as a project manager have the opportunity to control and optimise project workflows and processes throughout the entire course of a project. At the same time, all departments have access to all key information relating to the project at all times. project plan and progress. The software offers you an uncomplicated way to improve the collaboration of your project team, regardless of their current locations. Keyword: Collaborative working.

By using PSA software, you create a transparent overview of past, current and future project tasks. At the same time, the software makes it easier for you to provide your customers with more efficient and accurate status reports. In the event of last-minute changes to the project plan - and these occur more frequently than you might think - all project participants can be informed immediately. PSA software also helps you to coordinate and distribute all tasks more quickly and with less effort. This means that important information does not get lost in the project process.

Advantage 2: Reduce costs

As a service provider, you are confronted with numerous time-consuming manual tasks every day, which not only take up time and energy, but also increase the potential for errors. Especially as a project manager who wants to increase the efficiency of his team, these activities often pose a challenge that can lead to unwanted costs. By implementing automation solutions, you can save valuable time and resources and allow your team to focus on the actual work. Manual tasks are reduced to a minimum through the use of PSA software.

Specific example: Automated reconciliation of recorded working hours

PSA software can:

  • Compare the recorded working hours of all project employees with the planned budget
  • Create invoices for projects at the touch of a button
  • Significant relief from time-consuming administrative tasks is provided by
  • Facilitate resource planning in the dynamic environment of project-orientated companies
  • Support more efficient resource allocation to minimise bottlenecks in the Multi-project management to prevent

Advantage 3: Increase productivity & efficiency

By integrating automation and accurate time tracking, you gain valuable insight into the exact distribution of your project team's working hours, allowing you to respond quickly and accurately. Accurate time tracking of your team minimises the risk of time overruns and also ensures that all billable hours are invoiced correctly.

PSA software acts as a shield to prevent resource overbooking and seamlessly coordinate the planning of multiple parallel projects. As a project manager, you ultimately want to optimise the success of your projects. That's why precise project and Work time tracking a decisive factor for your Project success! Monitoring overtime not only ensures that you stay on schedule and within budget, but also prevents your team from being overloaded. This not only increases the efficiency of your projects, but also improves the overall performance of your team.

Advantage 4: Increase profitability

Are narrow profit margins a challenge in your project business? The Profitability of a project can be decisive for the success or failure of a company. PSA software helps you to accurately calculate costs, set prices and identify profitable projects. By using such software, you take your project planning and decision-making to the next level. Instead of just relying on gut instinct, you get real-time data on your projects, which you can use to make informed decisions on how to proceed.

Reporting functions allow you to identify trends, sales opportunities and risks. They provide insights into which customers and projects are really profitable and which may need to be improved. An automated Project invoicing also ensures that your customers receive their invoices on time and that unpaid invoices can be systematically tracked.

ZEP as Professional Services Automation Software

What if you could cover all the requirements of a PPE system with one cloud-based software tool? It's possible with ZEP! The tool offers you a customised and modular solution that you can integrate seamlessly into your project business. The software digitalises almost all your needs in the hectic day-to-day running of a project - from preparing quotations to project controlling and automated invoicing.

Time recording

The accurate recording of labour and project hours is crucial for the profitability of your projects. The ZEP module Attendance enables the display of recorded attendances, the linking of smartphones and tablets as mobile Time clock via app and the individual activation of attendance recording for each employee. Time recording alone can be conveniently performed via the web front end, app for iOS and Android or on the ZEPTime recording terminal take place. For the management of absences, there is the module Overtime, Absences & Holidayswith which you can digitally manage all of your team's absences.

Resource planning

Efficient resource planning is the key to avoiding bottlenecks and optimising productivity - ZEP impresses here with the module Resource planningwhich enables you to plan projects over the long term. The module Planned hours supports your project planning right from the start by allowing you to define fixed or dynamic target figures. And with the ZEP Ticket system you can divide your projects into individual tasks for each employee.

Project management

ZEP supports you in your project management process with powerful functions. The module Offers enables you to create quotations in a time-saving manner, making manual processes a thing of the past. With the module Prices & Receipts ensure the profitability of your projects by defining prices and comparing sales with internal costs. The module Invoicing enables you to issue invoices quickly and easily at the end of a project on the basis of the recorded expenses.

ERP, CRM & PSA software: these are the differences!

When discussing the term PSA software, it is helpful to clarify the differences between three related but distinct solutions in the ecosystem of a professional services organisation: Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and PSA.

ERP software ERP software provides enterprise-wide resource planning and integrates all aspects of a manufacturing or distribution company, including financial management, human resources, supply chain and manufacturing or distribution. It serves as a central hub for workflow and data.
CRM software CRM software synchronises customer communication between different business areas such as sales, marketing and customer service. It records, automates, analyses and optimises customer interactions and provides a database with contact information and interaction history.
PSA software PSA software is a technology-orientated solution for the efficient planning, sale, execution and invoicing of work. It coordinates, manages and optimises various aspects, with resource management being one of the most important but also most challenging tasks.


The implementation of PSA software offers a future-oriented solution for service companies that sell their time and expertise. By seamlessly integrating various functions such as time tracking, project management and resource planning, it enables efficient management of internal processes. This investment can help your organisation be better prepared for future challenges by providing improved visibility, increased productivity, cost savings and ultimately increased profitability.

Solutions such as ZEP offer you the opportunity to optimise your project management and develop a tailor-made response to the specific requirements of your company.


How does PSA software differ from project management software?

PSA software differs from conventional project management software in that it is specifically tailored to the needs of service companies. While project management software primarily supports the planning and execution of projects, PSA software also offers functions such as time recording, resource planning and invoicing, which are crucial for service companies.

Who benefits most from PSA software?

Service organisations of all sizes and industries benefit the most from PSA software. In particular, companies that rely on project-based work, such as IT service providers, agencies, consultancies and law firms, can benefit from the features of PSA software to optimise their internal processes, boost productivity and increase profitability.

Tanja Hartmann CEP

Tanja Hartmann

Content Marketing Manager at ZEP

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