Project time tracking

Project management software: criteria, tools & advantages ✓

Choosing the right project management software can be a real challenge, but with our tips you can take your team to new heights and make your projects more efficient.
Project management software: criteria, tools & advantages ✓

Choosing the right project management software is a topic that is becoming increasingly relevant. At a time when the choices seem almost endless and requirements are becoming increasingly diverse, it is crucial to find the right path through the jungle of options. In this article, we will guide you through the process of choosing suitable project management software, present important selection criteria and give you valuable tips on how to make the right decision.

Table of contents - What you can expect:

Advantages of project management software
Functions of project management tools
Project management software for every industry
ZEP as an all-in-one solution

What is project management software?

Project management software allows you to organise, track and execute your work. It provides you with an interactive workspace for coordination and communication, ranging from simple checklists to complex work management platforms. Depending on the size, needs and goals of your organisation, choose and use the right software to integrate even the most complex workflows and achieve your most important goals.

ZEP - More than just project time recording

Our project management software goes beyond the simple recording of customer or project data. project-related working time beyond. It ensures that your Project time is used effectively to achieve the set goals and fulfil legal requirements. Project time takes centre stage, with all other functions built around it. This approach ensures that you can utilise your valuable time efficiently and purposefully to achieve optimal results. With ZEP, you can not only successfully complete your projects, but also maximise your Optimise processes and increase your performance. The clear focus on the project time enables well-founded decision-making, optimised Resource planning and a more precise Invoicing.

Why should you use project management software? All the advantages at a glance!

Project management software offers you numerous advantages that can revolutionise the way you work. By using such tools, you can optimise team collaboration, increase efficiency and maintain an overview of your projects at all times. Find out below how this software can support your business goals.

Efficiency increase

One of the obvious strengths of project management software is improving efficiency. By automating processes such as task assignment, time tracking and team communication, your projects can be completed faster and more smoothly.

Better organisation

Software allows you to organise tasks, milestones and resources in a structured way. This helps to keep track, set priorities and ensure that all team members are on the same page.


Project management software provides a transparent view of project progress. All team members can view the status of tasks, track progress and recognise bottlenecks. This promotes collaboration and minimises misunderstandings.

Real-time updates

Modern project management tools offer real-time updates that make it possible to react immediately to changes. This is especially important when requirements or priorities change during the course of a project.

Resource management

Many tools offer resource planning functions that allow you to ensure that the right people are working on the right tasks at the right time. This is the only way to utilise your resources to their full extent and ensure your Project team in a targeted manner.

Reporting & Analysis

Project management software allows you to generate detailed reports on progress, utilisation and budget tracking. This data helps to evaluate project performance and identify optimisation potential - also for future projects.

The right project management tool should definitely have these functions!

So how do you decide which project management tool is right for you? The answer to this question is not always easy, but there are some key criteria that can help you make the best choice:

Scope of functions

The range of functions is a decisive factor. Make sure that the tool you choose offers the functions that are essential for you, be it task management, creating milestones, resource planning or tracking your progress. Budget plan.


No matter how comprehensive a project management tool is - if it is not intuitive to use, it will be of little benefit. User-friendliness is crucial in order to be able to work efficiently.


Your requirements will probably change over time. Make sure that the tool you choose can keep up with your growth, whether it is adding new team members, managing additional projects or adapting to changing needs.


Effective project management is teamwork. The selected software should Collaborative working facilitate - be it by assigning tasks, sharing progress reports or leaving comments.


Project management software is rarely used as a stand-alone solution. Check how well the selected tool integrates with other applications, be it the email platform, the calendar or cloud-based services.

Customer support

Even the best project management software can have problems from time to time. Efficient customer support is invaluable in overcoming any difficulties quickly.

How do you find the best project management software for your company?

Choosing the right project management software can have a significant impact on the success of your organisation. ZEP is a versatile solution that is suitable for all industries that work on a project basis:

The best project management software for management consultants

In the modern business world, you are Consultants the navigators who guide organisations on their path to success. Accurate project time tracking plays a central role in this. With the right project management software, you can accurately record your working and project hours, which is essential for billing consulting hours. Whether you bill on an hourly or flat rate basis, accurate documentation ensures that your clients always know exactly what they are paying for and builds trust through transparency.

In addition, the systematic Time recording for consultants help you to manage your resources more efficiently. You can track how much time is spent on different projects and allocate your resources accordingly. This ensures optimum utilisation of your team and prevents over- or under-utilisation. In addition, the evaluation of the recorded times enables you to carry out a detailed performance analysis so that you can continuously improve your own efficiency and productivity. These optimisations not only benefit you, but also your customers, who profit from the structured and optimised working methods of your consultants.

The best project management software for IT service providers

In a business environment that is characterised by rapid technological advances and digital transformation, you will be responsible for IT service provider a key role in the provision of customised technology solutions. In order to be successful in this highly specialised industry, the precise Project time tracking of fundamental importance. IT projects are often characterised by complex requirements and limited budgets. Accurately recording your project timescales enables you to ensure that you stay within the financial framework agreed with the customer. This ensures that you plan all resources before the project starts and can react to changes at an early stage if necessary.

Furthermore, the exact Time recording an essential tool for resource management and customer communication. With accurate time data, you can ensure that your employees are optimally utilised and avoid team members being overworked while others are idle. In addition, transparent time reports promote effective customer communication by conveying the current project status in a clear and understandable way. This transparency builds trust with your clients and promotes smooth collaboration by avoiding budget discussions. Efficient project management software helps you to increase both the productivity and satisfaction of your employees and customers.

The best project management software for agencies

Agencies in the fields of advertising, marketing and communication are the creative minds behind successful brand campaigns and advertising strategies. In an industry characterised by constant change and high competitive pressure, the precise recording of working and project times plays a decisive role. Efficient project management software helps you to optimally allocate your resources and ensure that your employees are neither over-utilised nor under-utilised. This not only increases the profitability of your projects, but also contributes to the satisfaction and productivity of your employees.

Accurate time recording enables you to give your customers transparent insights into the services provided. Transparent time reports create trust and promote long-term customer loyalty, as your customers know exactly where their budget is going. In addition, precise documentation helps you to manage the diversity of your projects. When working on many projects at the same time with different requirements and deadlines, detailed time tracking is essential to keep track and ensure that all projects are completed on time and to the highest quality.

The best project management software for engineers

Engineers are the visionary creators of our modern world, realising ground-breaking technical projects through precision and efficiency. In an era where innovative technologies are constantly advancing, the precise recording of work and project times is invaluable. Efficient project management software allows you to create complete and reliable project documentation. Especially in industries such as construction or electrical engineering, this facilitates compliance with official regulations and the tracking of project progress. Detailed documentation helps you to better manage small and large challenges and ensures smooth project execution.

In addition, accurate time tracking is crucial for cost control and project planning. Accurate recording of labour and project times allows you to convert the time spent into direct costs, ensuring that your projects stay within the planned budget. This is essential to ensure the profitability of your projects. In addition, time tracking provides a valuable basis for creating realistic schedules. By analysing time data, you can better estimate how much time is needed for different tasks and what resources need to be available to complete projects on time and on budget.

The best project management software for lawyers & tax consultants

In the demanding world of law and finance, precise project management is essential. A first-class software solution for Lawyers and tax consultants should not only enable the accurate recording of working and project times, but also support compliance with legal regulations. With functions for legally compliant time recording, as provided by the BAG ruling of September 2022, it not only ensures transparent billing for clients, but also strengthens the integrity of the law firm through comprehensive documentation.

For these reasons, the software should enable efficient client management by precisely allocating work to the relevant clients, thereby improving communication and client retention. Through the detailed analysis of working hours, it also supports lawyers and tax consultants in continuously optimising their working methods and maintaining the quality of services at the highest level.

ZEP: The universal software for project time recording

In today's dynamic business world, which spans multiple industries, efficient project management is critical - whether you're in management consulting, IT, engineering, agencies or legal and tax consulting. As a proven project time tracking software solution for over 20 years, ZEP offers a robust platform that is specifically tailored to the needs of your industry. With modular customisability, you can use exactly the functions you need, from quotation preparation to detailed invoicing, and thus optimise your work processes.

ZEP is characterised by flexibility, enables monthly cancellations and the individual booking of additional modules as required. It not only supports legally compliant time recording, but also strengthens customer loyalty through transparent communication about working hours and project progress. With ZEP, you optimise your working methods, strengthen the trust of your customers and ensure successful project implementation - an essential solution for your industry-specific challenges.


At a time when efficiency and clear structures are crucial to a company's success, choosing the right project management software plays a key role. From support with project time recording to the optimisation of complex work processes, ZEP offers a versatile solution that is tailored to the specific requirements of a wide range of industries. With functions for efficient resource planning, transparent communication options and the ability to analyse working times in detail, ZEP is more than just software - it is an indispensable tool for optimising work processes, increasing customer satisfaction and ensuring long-term success. Discover ZEP, a solution that will help you not only achieve your goals, but exceed them.


What types of project management software are there?

There are different types of project management software that can be selected depending on the specific needs and requirements of an organisation. These range from simple tools for task management and time tracking to complex platforms for managing large-scale projects with functions such as resource planning, budget monitoring and team communication.

When does your company need project management software?

Your company should consider using project management software if you need to coordinate complex work processes, optimise team collaboration and need a clear overview of the progress and resource utilisation of your projects. Especially with growing teams or increasing project diversity, such software can be crucial to ensure efficiency and transparency.

Is a free project management software solution sufficient?

Free project management software can be used for smaller teams or less complex projects that require basic functions such as task management and time tracking. However, for more extensive requirements, such as detailed reporting, resource management and advanced integration capabilities, paid solutions such as ZEP could offer additional value tailored specifically to your organisation's needs.

Tanja Hartmann CEP

Tanja Hartmann

Content Marketing Manager at ZEP

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