A well-designed workplace is crucial for the well-being and performance of employees. In this article, we examine the essential aspects of workplace design, from legal regulations and ergonomic principles to the application of the Japanese 5S method. Find out how you can set up your workplace to maximise safety, comfort and efficiency.
Table of contents - What you can expect:
Legal requirements for workplace design
Modern workplace design - examples
Workplace design with the 5S method
Workplace design is a holistic approach that encompasses all measures for planning and implementing the working environment, working conditions and the workplace itself. In this respect, there is a corporate obligation to create workplaces that fulfil the criteria of tolerability, reasonableness, feasibility, personal development and Satisfaction are evaluated positively by your staff.
The importance of workplace design is twofold: On the one hand, it pursues the goal of ensuring long-term employee satisfaction; on the other hand, it has a significant influence on the economic success of your company, which depends heavily on the performance of your employees. The principles of workplace design are shaped by the two central criteria of humanisation and economic efficiency.
Workplace design sets framework conditions that ensure that the body and mind are neither overloaded nor underloaded. Standards such as DIN EN ISO 26800:2011 and DIN EN ISO 6385:2004 set international standards that require you to create human-centred workplaces that support the optimal performance of your workforce.
The workplace design is organised in three main areas subdivided:
🖥️ 🪑 Ergonomic workplace design | Focus on the physical equipment of the working environment, including noise reduction and occupational safety measures. |
📅 👥 Organisational workplace design | Includes working conditions, structuring of working hours, break arrangements, team hierarchies and task structure. |
💻 🌐 Technological workplace design | Increasing importance due to digitalisation, including the requirements of the BAG ruling on working time recording. Cloud-based software for precise project time recording supports this area. |
Employers are legally obliged to ensure that their employees' workplaces are
ergonomically in order to promote their health and performance. The main legal requirements that companies must observe in order to fulfil the requirements of preventive occupational health and safety are explained below:
The Occupational Health and Safety Act in Germany is fundamental to the protection and promotion of the physical and mental health of all employees. It obliges all employers to comply with certain occupational health and safety standards. This includes the regular instruction of employees in these areas and the appointment of a safety officer in companies with more than 20 employees.
The accident prevention regulations of the employers' liability insurance associations specify preventive measures aimed at avoiding or minimising accidents and occupational illnesses. These regulations are monitored by inspectors from the employers' liability insurance associations, and non-compliance can result in Administrative fines of up to 10,000 euros be imposed.
The relevant ordinances within the framework of occupational health and safety legislation include the Workplace Ordinance, Construction Site Ordinance, Industrial Safety Ordinance, Display Screen Equipment Ordinance and the Noise and Vibration Occupational Health and Safety Ordinance.
In accordance with § 90 and § 91 of the Works Constitution Act (BetrVG), the works council has important rights in the event of changes to the workplace. These include information and consultation rights as well as a corrective co-determination right if adjustments contradict the humane organisation of work. In the event of differences of opinion between the works council and employer, measures to avert, mitigate or equalise the burden can be clarified by a conciliation committee.
Modern workplaces are increasingly geared towards the needs of the workforce. The employee experience, i.e. the experience that employees have with your company, is becoming increasingly important. Positive experiences promote general satisfaction and also serve as an effective recruiting tool. Noise, mobility, interior design and modern software are examples of aspects of modern workplace design:
Noise can not only be perceived as a nuisance, but can also significantly affect the health of your employees. To avoid stress caused by noise, a noise level of 55 decibels should not be exceeded in the office. This is roughly equivalent to the volume of a normal conversation. In a small office space, the guideline value is 35 decibels, in an open-plan office 45 decibels. By way of comparison, a standard laser printer generates a noise level of around 50 decibels. Modern workplaces must therefore create spaces that enable interaction, but at the same time support focussed work. Concepts such as quiet areas, headphone policies and noise-reducing measures are used here.
Modern work is no longer limited to a fixed place of work. Mobile Time recording systems, laptops and the provision of work equipment for working from home are an integral part of modern workplace design. A positive side effect: this company policy makes you attractive for Specialists from all over the world. Microsoft's Work Trend Index 2021 also shows that hybrid working is increasingly becoming the focus of workplace design.
Companies such as Apple and Microsoft rely on customised office spaces to promote employee satisfaction and strengthen identification with the company. These range from telephone boxes and café spaces to modern canteens with live cooking. It doesn't have to be quite that big for you - a beautifully designed tea/coffee kitchen can also inspire dialogue among your employees.
In addition to equipment-related components, such as common rooms, ergonomic seating, etc., the software equipment also determines how efficiently your team can work. For German companies, at least since the BAG ruling the obligation to accurately record working hours from September 2022. Support your team with the introduction of an established software solution such as ZEP for digitalised time recording. Why digital? Because manual timesheets or confusing Excel lists are error-prone, time-consuming and no longer up to date.
In the era of digital transformation, the Project time tracking With ZEP, we have initiated a change in the way companies manage their employees' working and project times. Our tool goes far beyond conventional Time recording and brings numerous advantages for companies and employees alike. By using ZEP, you not only support your employees in the precise and project-based recording of their Working hoursbut also contribute significantly to improved workplace design.
By tracking the time spent by your employees on various projects, you gain detailed insights into the efficiency of your organisation. This helps you to recognise bottlenecks at an early stage, Optimise processes and increase productivity.
Accurate time recording enables better resource management. With the ZEP add-on module Resource planning you can, for example, track how much time is spent on certain tasks or projects. This gives you a solid basis for planning and allocating resources such as employees, budget and time more effectively.
In service industries in particular, accurate time recording is essential in order to bill customers correctly and Project budgets to be complied with. With the additional module Invoicing Equip your accounting department with the best possible equipment for transparent invoicing and detailed reporting.
Records of past projects can provide you with considerable support when planning future projects. Your project managers will provide you with the additional module Planned hours be very grateful. Why? Well, it allows you to use the time spent on similar tasks in the past as a guideline for the future. Project planning use.
In some industries, accurate time recording and reporting (e.g. in the form of project timesheets) are a legal requirement. Especially when it comes to working hours, overtime or compliance requirements. With the additional module Overtime, Absences & Holidays you can always keep an eye on all the attendances and absences of your staff and - thanks to the personal overtime account for each employee - you can see at any time how much time each team member has spent on a project. This module also helps you to keep track of holidays, absences and the time spent on a project in resource management and project planning. Statutory break regulation to be taken into account.
Implementing ZEP as part of your workplace design not only promotes accurate time tracking, but also enables you to make data-driven optimisations that can lead to a more effective and satisfied workforce. Companies that use ZEP for the Project management The company is positioning itself as a pioneer in the modern working world and creating a basis for sustainable increases in productivity.
Do you want to bring your employees' workplace up to date not only in analogue but also in digital form? You can test ZEP for 30 days without obligation and try for free. Our support team will be happy to assist you.
The 5S methodalso as 5A method in German-speaking countries was developed to reduce time wastage in companies. Originating from the Kaizen philosophy in Japan, it was developed at Toyota in the middle of the last century to optimise inefficient processes.
The practical application of the 5S method requires the implementation of all phases! Examples show how different professions, from workshop employees to dentists, can benefit from the method. The method is part of lean management, which aims to make continuous improvements, avoid waste and adopt the customer perspective. Applying the 5S method in various areas, including office environments, can increase efficiency and have a long-term positive impact on your organisation.
This is what the 5A:
Sort out | Employees organise tools and objects according to importance in order to eliminate superfluous items in the workplace. |
Clean up | The workplace is tidied up according to the motto "order is half the battle" in order to increase efficiency. |
Workplace cleanliness | A clean workplace promotes well-being and makes a positive impression on visitors. |
Arrangement | Improvements in the workplace are introduced as standard in order to create similar workplaces in the company. |
Maintain & improve everything | This step ensures that the previous measures become a habit and are continuously improved. |
A well-designed workplace is fundamental to the well-being and performance of employees. This article has shown how compliance with legal requirements, the application of ergonomic principles and the use of the 5S method can create a working environment that maximises safety, comfort and efficiency. An optimised workplace design not only contributes to employee satisfaction, but is also crucial for the long-term economic success of a company.
Workplace design includes physical equipment (ergonomic furniture, noise protection), organisational aspects (working time models, break arrangements) and technological requirements (digital tools, software solutions). The aim is to create a working environment that promotes the health and productivity of employees.
Workplace design is based on the principles of humanisation and economic efficiency. It endeavours to create working conditions that both meet the individual needs of employees and contribute to the efficiency and performance of the company.
The main aim of work design is to create a working environment that promotes employee satisfaction and health, while at the same time increasing the company's productivity and economic success. By optimising work processes and conditions, the aim is to create a win-win situation for everyone involved.
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